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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Cutting GST allowed Canada to weather great recession better than any other country. It was one of many brilliant moves by Harper that kept the underground economy from flourishing as it did in the 90s.
Cutting GST allowed Canada to weather great recession better than any other country. It was one of many brilliant moves by Harper that kept the underground economy from flourishing as it did in the 90s.

There is absolutely no evidence supporting a linkage between the two.
The question is why the PCs aren't smart enough to promise what's worst for province and then lie and do the opposite. Honesty really is the worst policy.
The question is why PCs are so stupid as to elect a moron when they had two perfectly suitable, if not well qualified and intelligent alternatives?

Or shall we get into the trifling detail that Ford didn't win the popular vote?
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Or shall we get into the trifling detail that Ford didn't win the popular vote?
He won by the PC’s internal rules. If they wanted they could choose a leader by flipping a coin or by simple decree. How the PCs elect their leader is their business, and AIUI is not dictated by Elections Ontario.

If you don’t like the way the PCs choose their leader, join the party and campaign to change their rules. Otherwise....
How the PCs elect their leader is their business,
I never stated or even intimated otherwise. They could could poke a pole through their ear channels and whistle Dixie. It doesn't make them any smarter.

If you don’t like the way the PCs choose their leader, join the party and campaign to change their rules.
lol...what pomposity! If I don't like the way they elect their leaders, given the vote, I'd vote for another party. Thank you for making the point so clear. Doug Ford is a gift from God for the Libs. He's the Lib's best chance at getting re-elected.

And it's working!
Gap between Liberals and PCs has narrowed, Ontario poll suggests

And the NatPost:
Ontario Liberal budget appears to work: New poll shows PCs unable to capture majority

Otherwise what? Ford is a moron. He hasn't a clue on what to do save for chanting mantras. Of course, I blame it all on the CBC. He should slash CBC funding! lol...

I guess some would put a driver on their children's school bus that hasn't a clue on how to drive, has a sordid past, and is prone to heart attacks to boot. But of course, that's the Con's business.
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Where is Jasmine? Its gotten all quiet on the western (Brampton) front. Actually I haven't heard much from One City lately? Maybe he is in fact Doug and is busy kissing babies and giving out magnets somewhere (Easter weekend church services would be a great place to show he is a man of the people).
Where is Horvath and the NDP? Are they just not getting the media attention or are they not saying much beyond some dental care? They have a great opportunity here -- will they seize it or let it slide?
It's the elephant in the room. I was just thinking same. Again, a reminder to folks that if Wynne wants to form the next government, the outcome of the election still has her (the Libs) remaining as the government unless she fails a vote of confidence in the Legislature. (Or the government resigns) If she forms a coalition with the Dippers, she will would win it today.

In all fairness to Horwath, she's got to be planning a new tack based on this, but waiting to see how much further the polls skew before committing to such an approach. At this rate, there's a distinct chance of a Lib slim majority though.

Gee thanks Dougie and all your blind supporters! What a swell guy...A case of magnets all around! (Addendum: And I can hear those knives coming out of their sheaths as I type for Dougies' Desperate Denouement to install Elliott as the rightful leader of the OntCons, with Mulroney as her chief lieutenant. Oh, and of course, a new purge of the "rot" at PC HQ)

Loose Alliance Minority Governments
Another type of minority government involves a loose alliance between two or more political parties with a combined majority in the legislature. Under this situation, the governing political party strikes an informal deal with other political parties to ensure majority support. Often this involves the governing party taking on certain policies that are central to the other parties' platforms. It may also occur as a result of the other parties desiring to "prop up" the governing party in order to stop another party from taking power. Such alliances, however, stop short of full coalition governments in that the governing party alone assumes all key government positions (the other parties' members do not, for example, sit in Cabinet). Moreover, they differ from ad hoc minority governments (see above) in that the alliance will involve particular political parties over a period of time (as opposed to the governing party striking deals with alternative opposition parties on a case-by-case basis). Such alliances rarely occur in Canadian minority situations, as political parties usually cannot cooperate to such an extent for any period of time.

Formal Agreement Minority Governments
A third type of minority government involves a formal agreement between two or more political parties with a combined majority in the legislature. Under this situation, the governing political party will strike a deal with one or more opposition parties for support. This type of minority government differs from a loose alliance in that it is based upon a formal agreement that stipulates the length of the cooperation and the precise obligations of each party. Again, such a minority government should not be confused with a coalition government, as the partner parties do not sit in Cabinet. An example of this type of minority government is the Ontario Liberal government between 1985 and 1987. In that minority government, the opposition New Democratic Party agreed to support the governing Liberals on all confidence motions and budgetary legislation for a period of two years. In exchange, the Liberals agreed to enact certain legislative measures proposed by the NDP.

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In all fairness to Horwath, she's got to be planning a new tack based on this, but waiting to see how much further the polls skew before committing to such an approach. At this rate, there's a distinct chance of a Lib slim majority though.

I think the NDP likely wanted to sit back and see which ideas that might be called NDP in a traditional sense made it into the budget, as well as the fiscal impact of those and any other changes.

From statements Horvath has made, we can reasonably ascertain there will be a big investment in poverty reduction, likely social assistance rate increases/universal basic income or some variation on the theme.

We also know that there will be proposals to raise payroll and corporate income taxes, and likely income tax on high earners.

Based on what she hasn't said, I would be inferring (w/o insider knowledge) that a sales tax hike is not in the platform as written).

I'm sure they have a base platform ready, but this time they didn't want to be out-flanked to the left, so they had to wait to see what the Liberals proposed.

I think the budget puts the NDP in an awkward spot.

They can probably campaign with a deficit similar to, or slightly smaller than what has been proposed, but with their proposed tax hikes, I'm not sure they can do 'better' than the Liberals
from a left/progressive program point of view.

The NDP promise on dental care is more comprehensive and expensive than the Liberal proposal.

But based on early polling, the Liberals move on OHIP+ for Seniors and free pre-school care are the big winners w/the electorate, w/GO Fares selling well regionally in the GTA.

If you kept those and the NDP promises made (Dental/TTC operating funds) and expected (social assitance/poverty reduction) there's a math problem looming.

I imagine some rapid number crunching on what to put in the shop window.


Side note, for those that like to keep tabs on the horse race, I've been known to wander by a site called

Its what it sounds like, but instead of being purely poll based, it includes submissions from ridings around the province in determining where races are likely to go.

The Ontario race is tracked here:
@Northern Light : There's real irony in that the 'Dougie Dongle' has actually induced the Libs moving further left of centre than they'd like. But with the spectre of a 'coalition' (however that manifests) it allows Wynne a latitude to say "yes, we're being overly generous with deficit financing on this, but this is necessary to placate our socialist brethren and sisters to better represent the will of the electorate". So she buys votes, and at the same time, divests the responsibility of the consequences for doing so. Technically, she'd be correct.

Those defending how the Cons selected their leader without the result representing the popular vote have put a noose around their own necks in terms of ceding any moral high-ground on the matter.

I like Horwath, she's an earnest, well intentioned and *educated* person (I say same for Elliott and Mulroney), but she has to start *engaging* the public. As to how is a good question, but she has to, as this is now her best chance she's ever had for a 'slice of the pie', even if it means playing 'second fiddle'. (perhaps 'co-pilot' might be more apt?)

Excellent post, btw. I'll follow your links.
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There is absolutely no evidence supporting a linkage between the two.
How about the fact that no other country tried this and no other country did as well as Canada.
Or, is the only evidence you will accept is if I find an alternate universe where all other factors were constant except for Ignatieff being the PM.
As a Christian I am ashamed.


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