Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

^I think that's just an illusion based on the angle of the rendering.

With all three towers it should be quite imposing.
^It's not an illusion, the balconies are slightly different at each floor, giving the building a slightly unsteady look. It's much more subtle than Absolute, but similar.
That'll be fun when sitting on a patio after a few too many drinks. Just look up and add to your dizziness.
^It's not an illusion, the balconies are slightly different at each floor, giving the building a slightly unsteady look. It's much more subtle than Absolute, but similar.

You're probably right but I'm not holding my breath.
Clever little tweaks like that abound wherever clever little architects are at work - everything from the slightly widening balconies on Spire to the correction of optical illusions in the design of the Parthenon.
Absolute Spirit? Those Miss Twins would've been perfect on this site and just imagine: Absolute vodka could do an ad featuring them!

My fantasy: to meet or marry a girl that works at Aa so I could see future Clewe's projects in advance and hopefully inspire him/them to push the envelope further.

Anyone know any attractive 24-30-ish females at Aa or where they hang out? tia.

Things that the eye sees, that the soul enjoys, but the conscious mind doesn't pick up on - technique that is hidden but can be understood if sought out. A message that is delivered by an unseen messenger. A concert where the music is tangible but the orchestra that produces it, and the technique that they employ, disappears from our consciousness. Artistry.
They do. Look at the wraparound balconies at the south-east corner: they extend the least amount out from the building at their most south-westerly point, and gradually extend further out from the building as they move around it. They are at their widest at their most north-easterly point ( on the east face of Spire ).

You can verify this optically by standing at the north-west corner of the intersection directly beneath the lowest balcony: the potlights on the balcony underbellies are placed at an equal distance from the building, but the balconies clearly extend further beyond them at their north-east end than they do at their south-west end.

Renderings taken from pedestrian level perspective do indeed reflect the phenomenon you mention - that a building appears to widen and lean out as it ascends. Other renderings - taken from the perspective of someone hovering in space five or ten floors above the street - are less accurate representatives of what pedestrians actually see.
I live in Spire and I don't think my balcony widens. Now I don't have one of those fancy-dancy wraparounds but I my balcony is pretty large. I will check again tonight to see if it does, indeed, subtly widen...
