Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

alklay: As previously explained, the potlights under the lowest balcony are placed at an equal distance from the building - but visual inspection shows that the balconies clearly extend further beyond them at the north end of the east side than at the west end of the south side. And there are three glass panels ( extending out from the building ) at the wider north end of the balcony but only two ( extending out from the building ) at the narrower south-west end.

This design feature has been noted on this forum previously.
Stand on the sidewalk at the street intersection, under the lowest balcony, and look up at it - you'll see that it extends out further from the building at the north end of its east side than at the west end of its south side.

That carriage ride

You walked me home

You lost a glove

I lost a comb

Ah yes! I remember it well ...

Well, that's what I'm saying. The south balconies are wider than those on the east. But on the south, and the east sides, they are uniform in width along the length of the balconies and on each floor of the building.

I'm not sure that the fact that some apartments have wider balconies than others is a novel design idea.
I'm a nervous wreck, dear. Don't ever put me through this again. Mummy needs to lie down in a darkened room and rest. Make your own supper tonight.
I'm a nervous wreck, dear. Don't ever put me through this again. Mummy needs to lie down in a darkened room and rest. Make your own supper tonight.

I laughed out loud at this. (the potlights, which I stared at due to your previous post, did not prove anything to me besides the fact that the south balcony is wider and deeper than the east balcony. But alas, I should let mummy get her rest).
Why can't all you little brats be more like Cassius? He understands what Mummy means - and has a keen, trained eye for making visual judgements - perhaps because he does graphics, as does Mummy. Also, he came to Pride, which was nice.
There you go picking favourites. The rest of us will end up with complexes!!

(I do not think Cassius disagrees with those of us who are saying that there are only two widths for the balconies: one for the south and one for the east sides)


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It looks like the building was not built as described in the promotional bumpf. That angle isn't on the balconies as built.
I have to admit that the angle on those plans is much more pronounced than what even Urban Shocker would admit presently exits. We need a damn tape measure and a ladder to solve this sucker (I will stand my earlier claim that by sight, there is no angle but with actual proof of an angle, I will gladly eat my words).
I think we all agree that this thing isn't exactly as shown on the box, but the angle does exist.

You don't need a tape measure and a ladder to confirm that, just a trained pair of eyes.

( Miaaaaoooo! )
