On Friday evening around 7pm, Jarvis was completely blocked off between Esplanade & Lakeshore. I figured it was related to the WATERFRONToronto work on the storm sewers, but later in the evening a bunch of trucks showed up with crane parts -- I'm assuming this is meant to be for work related to Market Wharf. The work began and continued all night - the noise was so loud (banging bolts into place with mallets, truck movements, etc) that it woke me up several times and I had to go find ear plugs. Now, this morning it turns out that there was a water main break beneath Jarvis around 6am, which forced them to stop the crane erection, and they're now in the process of moving away all of the crane parts, presumably to try another day. I'm assuming the water main break was due to the weight of the crane above, but that's purely speculation.
I have a few concerns about this whole thing:
- Who permitted 24 hour work to proceed, with obvious disruption to surrounding residents?
- Why was no notification posted on the street or in my building?
- Shouldn't they have known there was a water main beneath the crane and calculate the loads correctly?
- How long was this work scheduled to take, and how long will the street be blocked?
Did anyone else in the hood nearby see any notification of this? If this work was, indeed, for Market Wharf phase 2, then that's even less understandable, considering I'm in Market Wharf phase 1.
I'm also quite annoyed with WATERFRONToronto's recent handling of the storm sewer work, since this week they figured it would be perfectly fine to park a noisy generator running 24/7 underneath my bedroom window, and there was no notification of this, either. After contacting WT I was told this would be for three weeks.
It's entirely possible I was just out of the loop with all of this work. I've contacted 311, and will be contacting Pam McConnell's office and the SLNA to see if they had any information. And, to be clear, I have no problem with the work proceeding, but notification to affected residents is absolutely necessary.