Active Member
Good find. Looks like it...
Bulk Barn seems to be opening a store in the old Rogers store at George and Front Streets. See:
Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started
Location: 25 GEORGE ST
Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Application#: 13 118076 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Feb 11, 2013
Project: Retail Store Interior Alterations
Description: Interior alterations to retail store. Tenant - "ulk Barn". Convenience address - 120 FRONT ST E.
Is their a bulk place in the basement? I've checked the prices on some of the bulk-like spice stuff that's prepackaged in the stores down there, and some of it is shockingly horrendous compared to what I find on the exact same product n my local convenience store!Bulk Barn has a big alternative though, and that's the St. Lawrence market it self, particularly the basement level. Not so much for the candies though.
Bulk barn surprises me though - I thought they were slowly vanishing. The Leslie/Eastern location has closed now ... I'm not sure I even know where there is one any more (though I haven't searched).
Conversion? Oh dear, what are they doing with Loblaws?The Leslie/Eastern branch didn't have much choice - they got booted out for the Superstore conversion, as did a number of other businesses - the dollar store and that cut-rate, generic clothing place also met the same fate. Whether Bulk Barn is seeking to open up somewhere else in the hood is a different story - I don't know but I already miss it.
I'm confused ... wasn't it a Loblaws Superstore back in the 1990s? Hmm, I guess they must have taken down the Superstore signage at some point. So it's remaining a Loblaws Superstore and they are just putting the old signage back up again? Not sure why that means Bulk Barn is leaving though ... the Superstores all used to have Bulk Barns I thought back in the 1980s ...It's changing to a Superstore (as Lenser mentioned in his post)