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Rob Ford's Toronto

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2. Expanding on that sentiment -- his comment about Asians was meant as a compliment. Everyone knows this -- he just isn't a graceful, polished speaker, and thus was pounced on for speaking so bluntly. He was bullied for this -- which is kind of ironic, considering what a bully he is. Would it have been better if he said that some Asians are lazy as well? His comment was well meaning, but poorly phrased. People are too finicky about politically correct speech. Understand the fact that Rob is a straight talker, not an intellectual and he basically never says things in a fashionable manner. It's not like he was insulting Asians, by calling them bad drivers, etc. This was such an asinine issue to that was blown way out of proportion. I'm sure you all agree, but couldn't resist the urge to ridicule him for it. It's issues like this that helped him get elected. This was a perfect example of unfair media scrutiny. Many suburbanites don't trust the mainstream media because they know they're largely aligned with left wing favouritism.

I get so sick of the attitude that Rob Ford should get a pass for using hurtful language - whether about Asians, women, or Pakistani cab drivers - because he's plainspoken and he means well. I do my best to choose my words carefully, not because I want to be "politically correct" but because I value inclusiveness and respect. When Ford makes comments like "Those Oriental people work like dogs", regardless of what his actual intent is, his words tell me that he doesn't care about how he makes other people feel. Yesterday's train wreck is just another illustration of that.

If I had more time this morning, I'd have more to say about your sentiments about gay people, HIV-AIDS, and suburbanites - suffice it to say, I grew up in the suburbs, and although prejudice was certainly widespread, it was also rapidly changing by the time I was in my teens.
Apparently she went by "Alana Sasha" and was listed on some "dating" service. Here's the profile pic from her now deleted twitter account.

View attachment 20091

Sasha could be her middle name. Many, many people don't use their last names on twitter. I don't think, if she were a prostitute, her working name would include her real first name. That would kind of miss the point of having a working name, don't you think?
If I had more time this morning, I'd have more to say about your sentiments about gay people, HIV-AIDS, and suburbanites - suffice it to say, I grew up in the suburbs, and although prejudice was certainly widespread, it was also rapidly changing by the time I was in my teens.

Oh, you white people are so righteous and lazy...
1. I really doubt that most Torontonians care about issues/comments re AIDS, as most people have no familial/friend connection to that disease. All STDs are preventable when people remain monogamous; that is a cold, hard truth that most don't want to accept. If people stuck to one sexual partner, we wouldn't have STDs to begin with. It's difficult for people to feel sympathy for victims of a disease (AIDS) that is 100% preventable -- as opposed to something like cancer -- which can affect anyone. If you live a risky lifestyle, sometimes there are consequences to pay for those actions. The culture we live in shuns people that abstain from sex until marriage, but those individuals never have to worry about contracting STDs. I do feel great sympathy for someone like, Tom Fogerty, who got AIDS from a blood transfusion. I'm pretty sure that would be next to impossible nowadays. It is tragic for anyone to die from AIDS, but it doesn't have to happen. Be careful in your sexual lives, and you shouldn't have to fear anything. I think it's common sense that sleeping with people one doesn't know is not a good idea; but you're free to do whatever you want with your lives. And yes, I know that straight people can get AIDS too. In that sense, Rob was off with his remark. Though, if I'm not mistaken, most people with AIDS are gay men, no? Also remember, the suburbs aren't exactly a bastion for gay issues. They're not as socially integrated into the culture as they are downtown. I'd guess that many people in the burbs aren't even friends with a single gay person. I've lived my entire life in the suburbs and have only known 3 gay people. There's also a gay couple that live close to my house. I think most suburbanites equate gays with Pride, and thus are revolted and not interested in defending them. I doubt that the majority of straight people would feel alienated by gays if they actually got to know more of them; but this is where I think events like Pride are a hinderance to gays becoming more widely accepted. I would think that the lewdness just plays into the same stereotypes that people have been conditioned to believe, and it turns them off -- no different than atheists thinking that Christians are all archaic, fearful, insensitive bigots. The fact is that everyone believes in stereotypes; let's be objective. By nature, we tend to believe certain things that we've been told from a young age, and often we carry those beliefs -- right or wrong -- with us our entire lives. For the record, I think Rob Ford is a terrible person, with some very significant mental issues. I'm thankful that he and his brother will soon no longer be wasting our time with their stupid personal issues. But everyone knows that Rob has been criticized for some really petty, frivolous things that a left wing politician would be excused for. I can't imagine George Smitherman being given the same flack for saying that Asians work like dogs. Everyone should be held to the same standard of criticism.

2. Expanding on that sentiment -- his comment about Asians was meant as a compliment. Everyone knows this -- he just isn't a graceful, polished speaker, and thus was pounced on for speaking so bluntly. He was bullied for this -- which is kind of ironic, considering what a bully he is. Would it have been better if he said that some Asians are lazy as well? His comment was well meaning, but poorly phrased. People are too finicky about politically correct speech. Understand the fact that Rob is a straight talker, not an intellectual and he basically never says things in a fashionable manner. It's not like he was insulting Asians, by calling them bad drivers, etc. This was such an asinine issue to that was blown way out of proportion. I'm sure you all agree, but couldn't resist the urge to ridicule him for it. It's issues like this that helped him get elected. This was a perfect example of unfair media scrutiny. Many suburbanites don't trust the mainstream media because they know they're largely aligned with left wing favouritism.

3. For those who were aware of Ford's pot charge -- I'm sure that was peanuts compared to the alternative, George Smitherman's, lengthy drug phase -- which lasted for years and I'm sure consisted of far more dangerous chemicals than cannabis. Both candidates had drug issues, so what were voters supposed to do in that situation? Pot seems like a lesser of two evils compared to years of drug abuse (though with what we know about Ford now, he was possibly heavily into hard drugs at the same time Smitherman was).

4. The ACC incident might not have been as ingrained in the public's mind as you might think -- or maybe most people knew about it, but thought it was minor compared to all the scandals George Smitherman was connected to? No doubt Ford was wrong in this situation and deserved to be lambasted for actions.

I don't think any of those issues would prevent your average suburban voter from supporting Rob Ford. These may be significant for downtowners, but your values and standards aren't universally shared.

You make Toronto's suburbs seem like rural Alberta. I fear that this might be lasting damage from Ford's mayoralty: that it has overemphasized the political differences between downtown and the suburbs. Of course people in the suburbs care about things like AIDS and gay rights and racism! But the 2010 election wasn't about that. It was about taxes after the HST and the garbage strike. Everything else was a sideshow that people didn't really pay attention to.

Keep in mind that Miller won many of the suburban wards against Tory in 2003, and all of the suburban wards in 2006. And, of course, the Con/PCs rarely win in the suburbs.
See, even the language in a police report is demeaning: Fickel was on a date with a GIRL.

If the situation was reversed, highly doubtful the sentence would read: Hills was on a date with a BOY.

That's a reach, IMO. I'm 47, and refer to 'the young boys' or 'the young lads' meaning college age rugby players all the time.
I'm pretty shocked that Ford's insane sexually-charged comments from yesterday seem to the straw that broke the camel's back. Yeah, they were completely awful, they were pretty much the least awful thing he's done since this whole sordid affair started. We already knew he was a chauvinist pig, I didn't need his explicit 'on air' admission/example to further cement that view in my mind. I don't really get it, the contents of the ITO are about 1000 times more damning IMO, but this is what people get hung up on?
There's video/audio. People can see/hear it for themselves. Most people aren't going to read the ITO or anything beyond the headlines so they don't realize what those contents are. It's easier to dismiss things if you don't see them for yourself; when it hits you in the face, not so much.
I disagree. Olivia Gondek and Renata Ford just got to watch Rob Ford talk about their genitals on international TV.

Olivia Gondek has made it very clear she doesn't want any part of this. She didn't accuse Ford of anything -- other people did. Ford not only said that SHE had accused him (which is going to make her an enemy of Ford Nation, with all the safety concerns that entails) -- he started talking about her "pussy" again. Then he started talking about eating out his wife. Then he made his wife stand next to him (she CLEARLY didn't like being there) while he reminded everyone that he had been talking about eating her out in front of the whole world.

It's not that he talked about genitals, it's that he talked about these specific women's genitals. He violated their privacy and he did it in a way that's going to make international headlines.

As a woman I reacted to this on a visceral level. I would be totally humiliated if someone did that to me.

I really don't see the point re: "Paki" being worse because it's an inherently offensive word and "pussy" isn't. So what? By that logic, we should all be OK with people punching us in the face because there's nothing inherently wrong with swinging your fist.

The racial abuse of the taxi driver was horrific, but this was a more public act and it exposed and embarrassed someone the mayor supposedly loves. I'm not interested in saying which was "worse" but they were both abusive and hurtful, just in different ways.

There's video/audio. People can see/hear it for themselves. Most people aren't going to read the ITO or anything beyond the headlines so they don't realize what those contents are. It's easier to dismiss things if you don't see them for yourself; when it hits you in the face, not so much.

Not just that, but it's being played on news sites, TV news (here and abroad), radio and Jon Stewart. It has way more exposure than the documents that people have to find and read.
It wasn't planned, Rob had read (or hotmail lawyer read and explained) what was reported in the ITO. Remember Rob has a very limited vocabulary and pussy is the only word he uses to describe female anatomy. He doesn't plan anything, that's why he is self-imploding. Give him enough rope.......

I was referring more to the "have enough to eat at home" line.
Gee, I wonder if after today/Monday, the papers can move on from "troubled mayor Rob Ford" or "beleaguered mayor Rob Ford" to "disgraced mayor Rob Ford." Wouldn't that be something?
True. Though her deleted profile linked to a dating service, according to the Sun. I also personally know of an escort who goes by her real first name in online ads. But who knows. I'm sure media will get to the bottom of it.

Do we know what dating service she listed in her profile?

This smells like a Sugar Daddy relationship. I doubt that she was/is an actual escort.
RE Rob Ford and escorts: I think bigger point is that a staffer thought so little of the mayor's behaviour that his gut told him an unfamiliar woman in the mayor's office during a party night was a prostitute. That's a pretty big jump and one need to have a seen a boat load of bad behaviour to think that right out of the gate.
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