Active Member
I'm getting fed up with those who keep whining that a casino will create nothing but problems, yet their complete lack of logic is irrelevant? They claim addiction to gambling will increase, that is utterly untrue and absurd! Using the same logic, it's like blaming the LCBO for alcoholism, or pharmacies for drug addiction. The state is not, not should it, be responsible for its citizens stupidity. All I see is a group of ill informed, ignorant people who don't even really know why they're against a casino. To me the answer is obvious, yes! Why, in any way, would someone say no to much needed revenue? There really is no logical reason to say no, it would benefit the city in numberous ways, increased tourism, increased revenue, it's a win win, but, I hate to say it, you know that city council will Debate the hell out of this, as usual, and come to the wrong decision. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but I find it frustrating when we have such a fantastic opportunity, and we may lose it because of ignorance and pure stupidity. Give me a logical reason, based of facts, why we should reject it, and I'll completely respect you, but I just can't respect ignorance.