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September 11th: Real or Fraud?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 33.8%
  • No

    Votes: 90 66.2%

  • Total voters
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I have shown a lot of Information and given many links. Not to mention where is the evidence for the side you're defending? You're on the side of the government and what the media has been telling us. Where's your evidence? You'll say "You made an assertion so you should back it up with evidence" But you've made it clear where your opinion stands by calling mine delusional. So implying that you stand where the general society stands for the most part, you can't prove anything more then i can so.. where's that evidence Grissie?.

You have not shown any information and have provided links to conspiracy sites that offer nothing substantive. As noted Kamuix, raising questions is not indicative of a conspiracy - no matter how poorly those questions are constructed.

Kamuix, you are the one making the assertions regarding a conspiracy. The onus is entirely on you to provide the evidence in order to back up your assertion. You have failed to provide any such evidence, or any corresponding alternate account. Let me repeat it: you are responsible for providing the supporting evidence to back up your assertions, not me.

I've offered a lot of documentaries, shows, reports, questions etc.. Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box. You keep implying when you make these circle posts that I'm trying to prove something.

As has been noted, you offer up only the same product repackaged. You neglect to cite any information that questions conspiracy theories (more like conspiracy "musings" actually. There is no "theoretical" content). One can only conclude that you are not keeping an open mind that all this conspiracy drivel is wrong.

Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box.

No, you originally asserted that there is a conspiracy. You have failed to offer any supporting evidence. Now you hide behind an idiotic view that no one else other than you has an open mind. Based on your single-minded attitudes concerning your "feelings" regarding your conspiracy beliefs, it's you who ought to be opening his mind. Your view is both quite narrow and without factual basis.

Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box.

Ah yes, your new mantra. To show your open-mindedness, clearly state that you have no evidence to back up your assertions, and that you are wrong to say that there is evidence of a conspiracy. You've already admitted that you operate solely on belief and feelings, but those prove nothing.

Gone Kamuix, show how open-minded you actually are.

And that there is good evidence to suggest a conspiracy.

There isn't any evidence, and you have failed to provide anything. Regarding your vague sentence, prove the government is lying.

Sheesh.. you make the assumption I'm trying to offer everything as proof

Incorrect. I am pointing out to you repeatedly that you have failed to offer any evidence regarding a your asserted conspiracy. In fact, you have failed to show even the most rudimentary plausible account to support your claim. You have offered nothing but your nebulous "beliefs" and paranoid "feelings" which in no way constitute evidence.

I mean.. Common guys. All I'm trying to do is get people to look outside the box. I know it's easy to just hate what's socially unpopular.. But I guarantee you'll thank yourself if you just give it a chance.

Looks like someone is ready to assume a Jesus complex.
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Found this, too. Nine minutes and nine seconds of pure gold!

Yes what i'm saying is so nonsense that you'll mock me with a video mocking 9/11 conspiracies.. Sarcasm beats all when you keep using it. Just like the "“A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes The Truth”". You suck.

You don't need help on that front, trust me.

I wouldn't trust you after what you've said about supporting fraudulent wars and th death of innocent human beings.

I fully support the war in Afghanistan and maybe getting deployed there next year (so yes, i put my life where my mouth is). I am ambivalent on the war on drugs (I wouldn't advocate an absolute laissez-faire attitude but neither do I accept the tactics and goals of the US government on that issue). And I have no issues with government takeover of health care. It's worked relatively well in Canada. As for government takeover of business, no issues with that either. I'd rather have temporary government intervention over millions of workers unemployed. And practically speaking how is government intervention in a failing business all that different from the government providing employment insurance?

I'm glad you responded to my question, Gristle won't. Honestly I'd take a closer look at what happens when the government runs things. don't you think it's important to have a private sector of business? Honestly i might support the government takeover of health care if i knew their intentions were good. But honestly i am pretty much 100% sure that they're not. Please be open minded. Also it causes a lot of taxes. Many people would say government run health care isn't a good idea.

And you've dodged every request he's made for evidence. I have gone through the entire thread. You haven't provided a shred of proof to back up your assertions. Nor have you discussed in an intelligent fashion at all, the scientific merits of your arguments. That's what's making you look like a nutter. You'd have far more credibility if you dropped the persecution syndrome and focused on making your case. Instead, you keep complaining about gristle's actions instead of making your case.

That's one request repeated many times. I've shown tons of information. The problem i believe is that no one even opens their mind to it. My case was made information has been shown.

Guess what? Most of us could not care less about the current level of corruption in government. I am sure there's some. But it does not concern me enough to get on the Internet and troll a forum largely about urban affairs in Toronto with my paranoid delusions.

How can you say that? you could care less about the level of corruption in government.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Yes it's acceptable that there is some. But there's much more then some the closer you look you'll see that. And then you go on to accuse of of trolling which I'm obviously not. Question, I keep saying that I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box, why so quick to defend the government that you know nothing about? besides just believing what you're told in the media? common..

It's not just socially unpopular. It's downright disgusting and ludicrous that you were turn the deaths of thousands of innocents into the centre piece of your paranoid delusiosn about "the man". You sir, demean, the deaths of those people by making them mere props in your propaganda. This is why I absolutely despise truthers. They don't care about truth. And they don't care about the people they hurt each and every time they spew their crap. One can only imagine what the families of 9/11 victims go through, every time they come across nutjobs like yourself.

It's downright disgusting that you support a fraudulent war that causing so many deaths of innocent people. And I'm disgusting for taking a stand against it? apparently. We do care about the truth. You've just been condition and brainwashed into believing anything the media tells you and refuse to loom outside the box. HAHA. wow.. most of the families of the 9/11 attacks are demanding a new 9/11 investigation. What's wrong with that? Quit believing the government and attacking everyone who takes a stand against it. there's nothing wrong about being skeptical of the government. They're supposed to work for us BTW.

Kinda brings the whole credibility of the internet which you claim to be 100% free into question doesn't it? Free does not equal intelligent or credible.

Like i said moron "Well yea when somethings free for everyone to use there's going to be stupid things on it." That's just common sense right there. So how is it that what he says puts it into question? Not at all if you understand it.

By other nutjobs who don't provide concrete evidence either. More conspiracy theories from other conspiracy theorists does not evidence make.

You calling them nut jobs doesn't make them nut jobs.

Well there was that whole 9/11 truth commission, reports by the national institutes of standards and technology, etc.

And you are not the least be skeptical about it right? It's official.. it must be true! Why so quick to defend what is official and socially popular? Take a look around.

See above and I'll take the undisputable math and phsyics (numbers are politically neutral after all) of the NIST over the ramblings of a paranoid and delusional conspiracy theorist. You want to convince me, show me the math. Show me where the NIST screwed up in their analysis.

Here's the report:

And don't worry, I am an engineer, big equations don't scare me.Please feel free to let me know when you've found flaws in their calculations (and don't forget to show your work).

And I want links to reports with actual calculations and engineering analysis not ridiculous claims about the government or how the NIST is biased. Show me hard engineering that proves ridiculous theories like a controlled demolition.

I've said many times that i'm not personally trying to convince you.. I'm just trying to get people to be open minded and not automatically believe what the media tells them, why is this so hard to understand?

Ok so what if you're an engineer? that could be in any area. Doesn't make your take on 9/11 anymore credible. I know it's an absolute fraud. You see that as a delusion. But that's what's socially popular. Doesn't make it right. Why instead of attacking me for no good reason actually consider what I've had to say. And if not.. why attack me? I'm just trying to get the word out. Deception is hard to defeat.

Awesome. And good reminder that a lot of people died, and we shouldn't forget that. Unless of course they're all in the witness protection program or something.

Good luck KeithZ.

Yes good luck.. GOOOOOOD luck..

You have not shown any information and have provided links to conspiracy sites that offer nothing substantive. As noted Kamuix, raising questions is not indicative of a conspiracy - no matter how poorly those questions are constructed.

>I've offered a lot of documentaries, shows, reports, questions etc.. Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box. You keep implying when you make these circle posts that I'm trying to prove something. Not to mention where is the evidence for the side you're defending? You're on the side of the government and what the media has been telling us. Where's your evidence?

Ok wow EFF quoting the rest of Grissies stuff.. You just did the same thing you've done in every post of yours. We've gone past that Grissie. get THAT through your head. Read the other posts it'l be my response to your repeated posts.

And I'm OUUUUTTA here! Good luck on waking up everyone except Grissie's who's out there in brainwashed land. I'm just hoping people will open their minds.. Please guys. Think outside the box about this..
most of the families of the 9/11 attacks are demanding a new 9/11 investigation.
Where do you get off saying "most"? I checked this out and see a petition asking for this investigation signed by some families, survivors and firefighters -- maybe 100 families -- out of almost 3,000 victims, and about 25 or so survivors out of thousands? That's hardly most.
Sorry you're right. I was just hoping to assume that. I knew it wasn't that many though. Still quit a bit though
I've offered a lot of documentaries, shows, reports, questions etc.. Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box. You keep implying when you make these circle posts that I'm trying to prove something. Not to mention where is the evidence for the side you're defending? You're on the side of the government and what the media has been telling us. Where's your evidence?

Ok wow EFF quoting the rest of Grissies stuff.. You just did the same thing you've done in every post of yours. We've gone past that Grissie. get THAT through your head. Read the other posts it'l be my response to your repeated posts.

And I'm OUUUUTTA here! Good luck on waking up everyone except Grissie's who's out there in brainwashed land. I'm just hoping people will open their minds.. Please guys. Think outside the box about this..

Once again, Kamuix, the little "documentaries," shows and questions you've posted do not constitute a body of evidence that is sufficient to prove any conspiracy. In fact, no particular "conspiracy" theory is ever described by either you or the entire 9/11 paranoia chorus. Nothing remotely substantive has ever been offered. After all these years, the entire effort has been a colossal failure.

So Kamuix, once again, why don't you provide a clear and detailed account of what you assert happened, and then back that up with verifiable evidence that supports your claims. Anything less, such as your mere paranoid feelings or irrelevant questions, are simply not evidence.

As for your childish accusations regarding brainwashing, in light of not one shred of substantive proof being offered by you to back up your claims, explain why you so adamantly adhere to a "conspiracy" that you can neither describe nor provide any evidence for? Who's mind is closed here? Who's thinking is brainwashed? Given your ongoing failure to admit that there is nothing to support your point of view, how can you possibly think that you are worthy of the position to preach for open-mindedness? Your stance is comical. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Your position is incredibly closed-minded.
how can you possibly think that you are worthy of the position to preach for open-mindedness?

Because that's all I've been asking? Is to be open-minded. Meaning to open your mind to the possibility that what the Government/Media/Establishment tells you isn't the way things are. That maybe their are things the Media won't tell you. Things that the average person isn't aware of? You've not shown one sign of open-mindedness. All you keep doing is demand instant government documented evidence that's pretty much impossible. And every time I ask you nicely to just be open minded and look outside the box, maybe to just consider something, you attack me instead.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Your position is incredibly closed-minded.

Look in the mirror and say that. I'm ashamed of people like you who refuse to even consider that their is a conditioning going on and that the government is just an innocent victim. If you look at history Governments always become corrupt. The reason why the United States was always well known for freedom was because their citizens used to stand up against corruption and dissent when their government wasn't doing their job. Demanding evidence that only could be provided by the people behind it, yet already having believed what official reports of said(9/11 for example) and the media, society etc.. That's not closed mindedness to you? Also you turn everything I've provided into "paranoid feelings or irrelevant questions" Give me a break. There's tons of good information and good questions. To call it that kind of makes me think you have an agenda and that you're incapable to getting free of what i think you've been conditioned to think.

And how could just simply asking people to be open minded be considered close minded? how does that work? because i assumed you're conditioned? You seem to be to me because you've shown no sign of ever having questioned the government/media/establishment/society Etc. Or having ever been skeptical about it. You should never just automatically believe what you are told through the media just because it's official and the majority of the people are buying it. The media won't cover controversial things unless they're doing it to demonize something(like the 9/11 truth groups for example) Because they do, they would loose government support and create more controversy and possibly loose viewers. They've become monopolized for the most part.

Griss you should do some research on Fluoride and Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame. Why not? you have nothing to loose. If it's in your water and food is it not worth your time to do some research on how it was made and how it came to be approved etc.? Not to mention its effects on your health. Honestly I challenge you to do this, forget about the 9/11 conspiracy for now.
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I wonder how this thread started... Why did Kettal start it? Was he serious? If he was joking whom was he referencing?

Either way, it's obvious that a cabal of freemasons, the Rothchilds, the Bilderberg meeting group, the Skull & Bones and top government officials orchestrated the entire Sept 11 attacks. Using black flag helicopters, planted explosives, fake airplane passengers, and missiles, they brought everything down. This is even more obvious when we consider that when you fold up the US dollar in a certain way, the mark of the beast appears. If you type september 11 in numbers you get 911, the telephone number for emergency services. Also 9+11 = 20 which is 1 more than the alleged number of hijackers which cannot be a coincidence. Also no building in the history of buildings has ever collapsed due to airplanes crashing into them. The WTC buildings didn't either until an hour later... why could that be? Maybe because they needed extra time to PLANT THE EXPLOSIVES. One only needs to understand the culmulation of all of this as the election of the OMEGA PRESIDENT who was not born inside the USA but somewhere on ... NEPTUNE.

Because that's all I've been asking? Is to be open-minded. Meaning to open your mind to the possibility that what the Government/Media/Establishment tells you isn't the way things are.

And you should open your mind to the fact that there is no grand nefarious conspiracy, but you won't. The problem for you is that your assertion requires evidence, and you are incapable of providing any.

I'm ashamed of people like you who refuse to even consider that their is a conditioning going on and that the government is just an innocent victim. If you look at history Governments always become corrupt.

Government is an "innocent victim?" Wtf does that even mean?

As for the second sentence, once again the onus is on you to prove this exceedingly sweeping generalization.

But you won't, because you can't.

Demanding evidence that only could be provided by the people behind it

This sentence indicates that you have no evidence and that you don't know if there is any. If you knew what "they" supposedly had in terms of evidence, you'd be posting it. But since you don't know what evidence "they" have, you can't. To be more blunt, you simply don't know if "they" have any evidence at all. You can't even identify which "people" supposedly hold the evidence that you claim they have (even though you have no idea if they have evidence, or if there is even any evidence at all).

Twisted, silly sentences get you nowhere Kamuix.

You seem to be to me because you've shown no sign of ever having questioned the government/media/establishment/society Etc.

Because Kamuix, I'm questioning you. Back up your conspiratorial assertions with evidence. Your accusations, fears and paranoia are not proof of anything other than your own fears and paranoia.

And how could just simply asking people to be open minded be considered close minded?

Crappy grammar aside, I assume you are alluding to yourself. You are not open-minded, Kamuix. You believe in something without any evidence to support those beliefs. You claim a conspiracy, but can't provide even the most rudimentary or coherent outline, or identify any people involved. You offer no evidence, nothing that can be examined, no corroborating testimony that is consistent - nothing. Yet you still claim certainty that there is a "conspiracy," and that you believe in it unquestioningly.

That indicates your mind is completely closed.

So why don't you at least back up your claim to being open minded and state right here that, given your total absence of evidence, you could be completely wrong about all your conspiracy claims.

Griss you should do some research on Fluoride and Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame. Why not?

Because you have made the claims and you ought to back those claims up with evidence. Since these are food additives, I would suggest scientific evidence published in legitimate scientific journals and not the looney-tune clips from You Tube.

forget about the 9/11 conspiracy for now.

The thread is about 9/11. Don't get off topic. Provide your evidence or finally admit that your claims are completely without any basis.
And you should open your mind to the fact that there is no grand nefarious conspiracy, but you won't. The problem for you is that your assertion requires evidence, and you are incapable of providing any.

>I've offered a lot of documentaries, shows, reports, questions etc.. Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box. You keep implying when you make these circle posts that I'm trying to prove something. Not to mention where is the evidence for the side you're defending? You're on the side of the government and what the media has been telling us. Where's your evidence?

Government is an "innocent victim?" Wtf does that even mean?

As for the second sentence, once again the onus is on you to prove this exceedingly sweeping generalization.

But you won't, because you can't.

That seems to be what you think.

>I've offered a lot of documentaries, shows, reports, questions etc.. Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box. You keep implying when you make these circle posts that I'm trying to prove something. Not to mention where is the evidence for the side you're defending? You're on the side of the government and what the media has been telling us. Where's your evidence?

This sentence indicates that you have no evidence and that you don't know if there is any. If you knew what "they" supposedly had in terms of evidence, you'd be posting it. But since you don't know what evidence "they" have, you can't. To be more blunt, you simply don't know if "they" have any evidence at all. You can't even identify which "people" supposedly hold the evidence that you claim they have (even though you have no idea if they have evidence, or if there is even any evidence at all).

Twisted, silly sentences get you nowhere Kamuix.

>I've offered a lot of documentaries, shows, reports, questions etc.. Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box. You keep implying when you make these circle posts that I'm trying to prove something. Not to mention where is the evidence for the side you're defending? You're on the side of the government and what the media has been telling us. Where's your evidence?

Because Kamuix, I'm questioning you. Back up your conspiratorial assertions with evidence. Your accusations, fears and paranoia are not proof of anything other than your own fears and paranoia.

Oh If only it was just paranoia and fear. You ask me questions and i answered them so you should be able to answer mine.

Crappy grammar aside, I assume you are alluding to yourself. You are not open-minded, Kamuix. You believe in something without any evidence to support those beliefs. You claim a conspiracy, but can't provide even the most rudimentary or coherent outline, or identify any people involved. You offer no evidence, nothing that can be examined, no corroborating testimony that is consistent - nothing. Yet you still claim certainty that there is a "conspiracy," and that you believe in it unquestioningly.

That indicates your mind is completely closed.

Right.. I've seen enough to decide whether I think it is or not. You don't need proof to consider something. That's where you fail.. to even consider the possibility. You're mind seems completely closed to the possibility from the very start. You don't understand how open-mindedness works. You have subconscious barriers that protect you from things you hate and don't want to know about. I'm close minded because I'm open to the idea that deception happens in government? W/E!

Because you have made the claims and you ought to back those claims up with evidence. Since these are food additives, I would suggest scientific evidence published in legitimate scientific journals and not the looney-tune clips from You Tube.

So you're not going to research it because I didn't show you evidence even though I gave you 4 links that were not clips? That's it.. that's all you need to reject the idea that Florida and Aspartame could be dangerous... Because I didn't show official evidence that the government is control of? This is what's wrong with this picture, you trust the government 100% without question. So fine.. believe in the media and anything government controlled. it's your health.

The thread is about 9/11. Don't get off topic. Provide your evidence or finally admit that your claims are completely without any basis.

I admit that from a very narrow point of view that's true.

In order to be open-minded about this you have to set aside your trust in the government for a moment because the government has much control over what goes into these scientific journals. So if the government was behind what I claim they are, then how could you use the lack of government controlled documented evidence against the idea? See how you have to put aside your trust in order to take a better look at it? This is what I mean when i say you seem conditioned by the government. You believe them without question do you not? Believing that these official scientific journals or reports can't possibly be fraudulent.
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>I've offered a lot of documentaries, shows, reports, questions etc..

That's not evidence. Funny how you select some media reports as supposedly factual, but claim those that contradicting your beliefs are all part of some grand (and unproven) conspiracy.

Now remember I'm just trying to get people to look outside the box.

You have stated that you believe with virtual certainty that a government conspired to carry out terrorist acts on September 11, 2001. You have offered no remotely clear account to back up your assertion, nor have you provided any evidence whatsoever to support you beliefs. You then go on and claim you want others to be open-minded. Kamuix, you alone fail to see the hypocrisy of your stance. Your mind is completely closed. You have no right to request that other do what you refuse to.

Not to mention where is the evidence for the side you're defending? You're on the side of the government and what the media has been telling us. Where's your evidence?

Actually Kamuix, your incapacity to read carefully leaves you making yet one more error to add to the many others that you have compiled on this thread. I have taken no position other than to demand that you support your assertions with an alternate account and the evidence to support it. You have failed to do so at every request. In addition to this, you have failed to provide any verifiable evidence that would refute, for example, the NIST report:

Brushing it off or blithering on about conspiracies is not a refutation in any shape or form Kamuix. One can only conclude that you have no evidence whatsoever to support your assertions regarding a conspiracy, nor do you have any facts or corroborating proof that would refute a document like the NIST report. This has left you to scurry away from your original position at the opening of this thread and to call for open-mindedness - something else that you have also failed miserably to achieve in any way, shape or form.

You appear to be a fraud selling snake oil.

Oh If only it was just paranoia and fear. You ask me questions and i answered them so you should be able to answer mine.

It most definitely is paranoia and fear. I've asked you for clear evidence to back up your claims numerous times, but you have always failed to do so. Your accusations are, to say the least, nebulous and your lack of clarity only reinforces the impression that it is not government that is the problem, but your personal perception of the world around you that is the problem.

...because the government has much control over what goes into these scientific journals.

Provide clear evidence to support this assertion. It's obvious that you have no knowledge of scientific publication or the peer review process.

Believing that these official scientific journals or reports can't possibly be fraudulent.

Provide detailed and clear evidence of fraud. Show specific instances that relate directly to your earlier assertions regarding food additives. Cite the journals, authors, dates of publication and outcomes of fraud investigation. In other words, provide evidence to support your allegations. Remember to start a new thread. The topic for this thread is 9/11. Stop trying to deviate from that fact, and start backing up you assertions with verifiable evidence. I challenge you to do so.

Accusing, maligning, denigrating and defaming people or organizations is your only stock in trade Kamuix. Your stance on all of these issues is utterly without foundation. As mentioned earlier, you are a one-dimensional propagandist. All you do is cast aspersions repeatedly, and even that you can't do with any depth, skill or finesse. You don't even have enough perception to see that your position on being open-minded is completely undermined by your own unwillingness to admit that your conspiracy feelings are likely wrong due to an absence of evidence.
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You have stated that you believe with virtual certainty that a government conspired to carry out terrorist acts on September 11, 2001. You have offered no remotely clear account to back up your assertion, nor have you provided any evidence whatsoever to support you beliefs. You then go on and claim you want others to be open-minded. Kamuix, you alone fail to see the hypocrisy of your stance. Your mind is completely closed. You have no right to request that other do what you refuse to.

So you refuse to address or answer anything I say or ask because I won't show government documented evidence that's not possible to get since they've been behind huge scams for decades. And you refuse to be open-minded obviously because you use that as a defense against the more important points that I make. You're too far gone. Just forget it.

Actually Kamuix, your incapacity to read carefully leaves you making yet one more error to add to the many others that you have compiled on this thread. I have taken no position other than to demand that you support your assertions with an alternate account and the evidence to support it. You have failed to do so at every request. In addition to this, you have failed to provide any verifiable evidence that would refute, for example, the NIST report:

Brushing it off or blithering on about conspiracies is not a refutation in any shape or form Kamuix. One can only conclude that you have no evidence whatsoever to support your assertions regarding a conspiracy, nor do you have any facts or corroborating proof that would refute a document like the NIST report. This has left you to scurry away from your original position at the opening of this thread and to call for open-mindedness - something else that you have also failed miserably to achieve in any way, shape or form.

You appear to be a fraud selling snake oil.

From a very narrow point of view that kind of makes sense.

>In order to be open-minded about this you have to set aside your trust in the government for a moment because the government has much control over what goes into these scientific journals. So if the government was behind what I claim they are, then how could you use the lack of government controlled documented evidence against the idea? See how you have to put aside your trust in order to take a better look at it? This is what I mean when i say you seem conditioned by the government. You believe them without question do you not? Believing that these official scientific journals or reports can't possibly be fraudulent.

You believe anything the establishment tells you and you have yet to counter-act that with anything. You'll never learn will you?

It most definitely is paranoia and fear. I've asked you for clear evidence to back up your claims numerous times, but you have always failed to do so. Your accusations are, to say the least, nebulous and your lack of clarity only reinforces the impression that it is not government that is the problem, but your personal perception of the world around you that is the problem.

So you're saying because I didn't show Government documented evidence that this must be all paranoia and fear? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? do you have any idea? have you looked at the information. Somehow in your brain you're able to reject all of it without even an ounce of consideration (not as proof but as information that should get you skeptical at least) by using that stupid I want government evidence. But of course if the government is fraudulent then that's not possible.< you don't get that.

And the rest of your post is just more of that same defense that prevents you from opening your mind. Also you refuse to answer my question unless first I show evidence that's not possible to collect. Don't you get it? Common Grissie! You'll never wake up.. You won't even research Fluoride and Aspartame. Honestly go ahead, keep thinking it's all a conspiracy theory. That's why i said back that time is the only way you'll ever wake up now.
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Kamuix, Gristle isn't asking for government documented evidence. He's asking for evidence period. So far you haven't presented any. You've provided links to sites that list strange coincidences -- things like "these 10 people were not at their desks when the planes hit". That is hardly evidence of a conspiracy.

And I agree with Gristle, you are hypocritically asking people to be open-minded when your mind is closed to the possibility that what you see is what you get. Planes hit the towers. They came down. A lot of people died.
There's way more evidence then that. I like how you can just minimize it to seem like it's just some little coincidences. Watch Loose Change, do some research. And the evidence he wants is mostly government controlled/influenced.

you are hypocritically asking people to be open-minded when your mind is closed to the possibility that what you see is what you get. Planes hit the towers. They came down. A lot of people died.

That makes no sense.. That's obviously what happened. So you're saying I'm not open-minded to the fact that it's easy to accept it in a simple way.. The towers came down.. people died.. Terrorists attacked us. That's what the media tells us so I'm not open minded to that? No that's what I originally believed before I opened my mind and did actual research.
I've looked at what you've posted. It doesn't add up and it doesn't convince me that what I saw on tv and heard on the radio didn't happen. The likelihood of such a huge conspiracy actually happening is virtually nil. Too many people would have to be involved and info would have leaked. And what about all the amateur video that was taken and people who were there and saw the planes?

I'm a researcher. What you are presenting are far-fetched musings and ramblings, not research.
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