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Rob Ford's Toronto

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...but surely under ethics/COI rules, the political office and the campaign are separate entities, right? doug's saying that whenever you called city hall to ask about ordinance or get a pothole fixed, you joined the "re-elect rob" campaign list. at least at the federal and provincial levels you draw clear lines between the party and the government.

The problem is that even if you're correct, and even if Thug's been gleefully breaking the law here (hardly a stretch to imagine, hm?), and even if it could be proved to an absolutely damning degree in court, it won't matter because our toothless, worthless, "honor system" based laws when it comes to city government won't even see him receive so much as a slap on the wrist. I know I'm not the only one who's been utterly shocked during the past few years at just how non-existent the law is when it comes to our elected reps in local government. And it easily explains why the Fords have been so reckless: They know full well no-one is going to hold them accountable. When the worst you're going to get is a few disappointed looks, a finger wagging or two, and (possibly) some pompous speechifying from a few self-appointed windbags, then why not go completely hog-wild and do whatever the hell you want, legality be damned?

This is what really makes me angry about this situation: that nobody in a position of power has been willing to bring the hammer down and actually try to see the Fords punished for their rampant, self-serving criminality. "Oh, but that would be...unseemly! Gasp! What would Miss Manners say?" It makes Toronto look like fucking Lollypop Land to the rest of the world. And I'm not so sure they'd be wrong to think so.
These are the Fords we're talking about. Logic does not apply. They also lost the DVD given to them with the 2010 list created from Rob's reams of handwritten paper and promptly accused their former campaign manager of stealing.

According to the CBC article, Doug found out when a supporter in Calgary called him. Why does he have a Toronto Municipal campaign supporter list with a person from Calgary on it?

If the person from Calgary is a FINANCIAL supporter, They are breaking the law there. Ontario only, which is weird, as in why not just Toronto only*

*not just T.O. because people from outside T.O. may well actually have an interest, property, financial or otherwise is why that's not so weird, but why arbitrarily cut it off at the provincial boundaries, why not make the arbitrary cut the city boundaries or have no boundaries? Arbitrary boundaries are arbitrary.

If it's a campaign list and it was on the "Mayor of the City of Toronto's" computer, they are breaking election law there too. If it's a constituent list, it's use by the Fords in the campaign would be breaking election law also. There is no actual good that can come of this for the Fords. Other than staying fresh in the press... It's all good publicity, right Doug?

Doug, today, is like a guy that got ripped off trying to buy drugs and calls the cops trying to get his cash back...
The problem is that even if you're correct, and even if Thug's been gleefully breaking the law here (hardly a stretch to imagine, hm?), and even if it could be proved to an absolutely damning degree in court, it won't matter because our toothless, worthless, "honor system" based laws when it comes to city government won't even see him receive so much as a slap on the wrist. I know I'm not the only one who's been utterly shocked during the past few years at just how non-existent the law is when it comes to our elected reps in local government. And it easily explains why the Fords have been so reckless: They know full well no-one is going to hold them accountable. When the worst you're going to get is a few disappointed looks, a finger wagging or two, and (possibly) some pompous speechifying from a few self-appointed windbags, then why not go completely hog-wild and do whatever the hell you want, legality be damned?

This is what really makes me angry about this situation: that nobody in a position of power has been willing to bring the hammer down and actually try to see the Fords punished for their rampant, self-serving criminality. "Oh, but that would be...unseemly! Gasp! What would Miss Manners say?" It makes Toronto look like fucking Lollypop Land to the rest of the world. And I'm not so sure they'd be wrong to think so.

rob ford 07 this.jpg
is why The Ford's will get away with which ever set of election laws they break... the laws are, as you say, toothless.


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"City of Toronto resources may not be used to support, endorse or otherwise provide an unfair advantage to any candidate, political party, registrant or a supporter of a question on a ballot during an election.
City of Toronto employees may not campaign or actively work in support of a municipal, school board, provincial or federal candidate, political party, registrant or a supporter of a question on a ballot during an election during working hours unless they are on a leave of absence without pay, lieu time, float day or vacation leave.
City facilities and City infrastructure cannot be used for any election- related purposes by candidate, political party, registrant or a supporter of a question on a ballot during an election, including for the display of any campaign-related signs in windows or on the facilities, as well as for any other form of campaigning on the facilities, except as described in section A of this policy."

No penalties listed.
To quote Doug: “Somehow one way or the other [the] Karen Stintz campaign has received the contact list, which is confidential, and it’s illegal to take information anywhere out of city hall here,” Ford said. “So that’s a very serious concern.”

Not sure whether that "confidential contact list" constitutes an infraction. If they just claim that it was being stored on Ford's computer and nothing else, it's still not entirely kosher.

Yep, if it was on the CH servers then is an infraction (use of CH resources for campaign use), if it was on Dougie's computer than it was either an inside job or physical break-in (one can also see the computers HDD CH resources if it does not personally belong to the Fords), if it was physically on a computer owned by Robbie in his office then any retrieval would have been someone who hacked the security or was let in by people who have the "keys" since there is not physical evidence of forced entry to the office.

It would not be the first time Dougie has cried hacker before... this could all be cleared up by checking access logs for log-ins, and files accessed.
The odds are in your favour... but think of it, which would be the smart thing to do, repeat something that didn't work several times before when "crying wolf", or pursue an action that can be achieved, that would support your new sobriety.

But he doesn't have any new sobriety. He didn't go to rehab to get clean - that's why he's still going on about his drink and weight problems, and not saying anything about his drugs problem, or the rest of his crap. If he was serious, he might resign and try to deal with his problems, but there's not a single thing that's happened involving him since he went to 'rehab' that suggests he's tried to make even a basic change. His actions aren't to support his new sobriety, they're to put a thin veneer on the usual story of "it's all in the past, I've changed, no really, honest" in order to try to con the simple-minded fools that might vote for him.

The whole point of him going to rehab was to pull the wool over the fools' eyes again so that he could get re-elected. Resigning puts him so far away from that goal that it's not going to happen.
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Yep, if it was on the CH servers then is an infraction (use of CH resources for campaign use), if it was on Dougie's computer than it was either an inside job or physical break-in (one can also see the computers HDD CH resources if it does not personally belong to the Fords), if it was physically on a computer owned by Robbie in his office then any retrieval would have been someone who hacked the security or was let in by people who have the "keys" since there is not physical evidence of forced entry to the office.

It would not be the first time Dougie has cried hacker before... this could all be cleared up by checking access logs for log-ins, and files accessed.

But, but, Doug says it's normal:

The mayor and each city councillor has his or her own contact list stored on their computer that is only accessible to that person, Doug Ford said.

And this:

A member of Stintz's campaign office later told CTV Toronto's Naomi Parness that the issue had been addressed and all email addresses have been removed from the database.

Read more:
And let us not forget the Fords have a history of accusing people they regard as enemies of doing things they did not do, the attempted revenge smearing of Daniel Dale being the most notorious example. There was also that lady they claimed assaulted Fatso with a soda bottle, a claim that was later proved to be entirely without basis. This is demonstrable, they have a pattern of using this specific tactic against people they want to hurt. And given Stintz' unwillingness to actually hit back at them when attacked, Thug probably sensed a soft, easy target here. What he's hoping to accomplish is anyone's guess, but the fact that he's simply lying through his teeth can be pretty much assumed, I'd say.

Edited to add: Oh, fer Chrissakes, I just clicked on the CTV link provided above, and for all that Dofo's political 'savvy' is mostly hype and self-serving mythologizing, his natural instincts as a bullying thug were on the nose in this case. Stintz, useless, politically tone deaf dolt that she is, has no intention of fighting back here; no, she's going to take "the high road," and let Thug steamroll right over her. I hope she gets her head handed to her in the upcoming election.
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There is no actual good that can come of this for the Fords. Other than staying fresh in the press... It's all good publicity, right Doug?

These droogs are forever playing the press. And too many members of the 'Stalwart Fourth' lap it up like good little hamsters. It's far past time that the press ought to give them some of their own hooch. Ignoring them is no answer. Mock them. Mock these goons. Openly. Relentlessly. Mock them. The way the Fords mock the press, along with the citizenry, the process. council, Rehab, etc. Try it. At least try it. See what happens when their own, open disdain for fair play is thrown back in their smug fusking faces.

D. Ford knows he can get friendlies to play his spin. And those that won't, he won't deign indulge. So throw the spin back at him. Mock him. These goons have no truck with civility much less truth, so give back as good as they give. Make their 'press freshness' stink like lutefisk.
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