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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Rob cites McCheese as a judicial educational reference.

It wouldn't even be that absurd at this point would it. ;) I can't wait for the official transfer of power day from MINO Ford. What do you think, 21 cannon salute? Will Rob wear the merryl chain bling? Mayor Quimby-esque sash with a giant "MAYOR" across? A jaunty hat perhaps? Which wacky NFL ties will Rob wear?!
Has the mayor made a statement explaining why he was illegally campaigning at a polling station?

IHRWORF doesn't even acknowledge Robbie's actions, he was forced to leave because he was saying "hi" and taking pictures with his adoring fans, after voting.
Did Tory even accept an invitation to the debate? If you go to the Acorn page it just says a "mayoral debate" it does not say who the debaters will be.
There was a debate July 27th re the homeless discussing the same issues that were discussed last night. Does rehashing positions promulgate any further understanding?
So an invitation to a dinner was received Sept 8th. So what? Before dumping find out how long it took to make arrangements for that dinner. Maybe the commitment to the dinner was made long before even the first homeless debate.

Respectfully, July was not when the undecided were watching debates. Housing and TTCuser debates are not Tory's strong suits. I believe he knew his policies on both are weak so he skipped. If I was his campaign manager I would have counseled him to skip it too.
He once punched Hamburglar in the face and made him pick the Fry Guys off the floor.

If Doug becomes Mayor McCheese does that make Rob Grimace?

Hahaha, nice. The camping photo of Doug kinda reminds me of Grimace. Mostly due to Doug's way of "Hey I'm a friendly guy, understand me ya little twerp?! Hey I'm just joking with ya nerd...or am I?" smiling. I was looking at the various characters that are in McDonaldland, and I gotta say. I don't remember a pirate being there, but there he is. Looks like TO is not the only crazy town around here.

He once punched Hamburglar in the face and made him pick the Fry Guys off the floor.

If Doug becomes Mayor McCheese does that make Rob Grimace?

McCheeze would never throw his friends under the bus. But he doesn't even know Hamburgler and he certainly did not counsel him to steal any election signs.
I'm basing my annoyance on news reports which insinuated that he was a late cancellation. Perhaps he had never actually committed, in which case, my bad -- the poster for the event does not say names, just "leading mayoral candidates". Maybe he had told the organizers he couldn't attend and they just didn't share that with people :) Maybe Ford and Chow misrepresented Tory's non-attendance.

I think there are far too many debates, for the record.

(However, my general annoyance at people who confirm and then cancel at the last minute still stands)

I maybe reading off a totally different songsheet nevertheless I believe it was strategic move by Tory....Purposely to put Chow and Ford one on one. He couldn't have picked a better debate to stay away from. This one was right in Chow's wheelhouse, she knows the facts, she has the compassion, she has a ready audience. D Ford on the other hand only has his platitudes to fall back on and an audience waiting to trip him up.
It gives the opportuniy for tenants, those of TCHC, those who follow ACORN and the Wellesley Institute to take a gauge of where their vote has most meaning. From the write ups it seems Chow took the day eroded votes from D Ford. All in all could Tory want for more?
I don't get where this whole Diane Ford/Lady Mabeth thing comes from. No doubt she's bossy, controlling and, based on the "Rob's turn next" anecdote, quite arrogant and vain. But mastermind? Given that most of her kids are drug/alcohol addicts, she's obviously not very good at it.

Diane and Doug Sr. raised quite the brood, and no they were not good at it, but the Ford brand survives, and in the end that is all that matters. Actually I should correct her title to "Queen Mother".

Dowager Queen/Queen Dowager
From Wikipedia:
"A queen dowager, dowager queen or queen mother (compare: princess dowager, dowager princess, or princess mother) is a title or status generally held by the widow of a king. In the case of the widow of an emperor, the title of empress dowager is used. Its full meaning is clear from the two words from which it is composed: queen indicates someone who served as queen consort (i.e. wife of a king), while dowager indicates a woman who holds the title from her deceased husband."

"A queen mother is a particular type of queen dowager who is simultaneously a former queen consort and the mother of the current monarch. Therefore, every queen mother is by definition also a queen dowager. However, not all queen dowagers are queen mothers; they may have a relation other than mother to the reigning monarch, such as aunt or grandmother.

Seriously - I can't believe at this point there is anyone questioning Diane as the just a horrible person. I personally rank her and Doug above Rob in any Top List of Most Horrible People.

The "Next it will be Robby's turn.." is just a prime example of her pre-determining what she thinks the family legacy will be but for me it's all on display in that CP24 LeDrew interview (and the family meeting on the same topic).

Let's put aside that every single one her children has had addiction issues and/or problems with the police despite being born with a silver spoon, so mothering skills shouldn't be at the top of her resume.

Everyone on this list, everyone in the world and even Jimmy Kimmel could see Rob had addiction issues and was, politics aside, in legitimate need of help. She sat him down and basically said, "You just need to lose a few pounds, my baby boy, and stop playing with that Lisi boy; he's a bad influence." Jimmy Kimmel's little plea - the one Rob laughed at - to get help was more sincere. This is her own son and she can't see what I can see? I care about him getting help more than she does?

I think she did the math and realized if Rob stepped down in disgrace it would ruin her plans for Doug to be premier or PM or whatever; it would ruin the Ford Dynasty and the Ford Brand and so she was willing to sacrifice her own son for that purpose. Better he he stay in office and try to push through than admit defeat.

And THEN, when the second crack tape was reported and he went to rehab some reporter tracked her down and asked, "Well, do you think now maybe you were wrong about the weight being his only problem?" and she said something like, "I guess so, I didn't know how bad it was; it's not like I live with him."

Again, lady - JiMMY KIMMEL could see it! We all could see it! You are the guy's mother!
Either you're too obtuse to have seen something obvious in front of your face or (more likely, IMHO) you were too self-centred and greedy to put caring for your son and his family and his health ahead of politics. Ask yourself, when he finally went to rehab, was it a health move or a political move? And if, like most of us, you think the timing was almost certainly political, who do you think made that call? Rob?!

I don't see how anyone can watch the CP24 interview, in particular, and think anything other than she is a really terrible person for whom "family first" means "We cling to power no matter what." (And the real joke of all of it is that it's not like their dad was a Prime Minister. He was a back-bencher. A one-term backbencher! He may have seen himself as the King of Etobicoke but he was a big fish in a small pond at the end of the day. He was obviously a savvy enough businessman but politically he did nothing for Etobicoke, Toronto or Ontario so the very source of this "dynasty" concept is itself laughable. At the end of the day, it will have been a guy who sat at the back of QP for 4 years and the worst, most divisive and controversial mayor in the history of the city. No repeats. No higher level of office. suck it, Diane.)

If you think I'm wrong, tell me where Kathy is these days as Rob goes through chemo. She betrayed the brand and so she is out though, ironically, her giving Rob the crack sent him, many months overdue, to rehab. If Diane cared, she could have told him at that May family meeting that he should step back for a few weeks and do it then - but she didn't think Rob had a problem. Mother of the year? Hardly.
Let's put aside that every single one her children has had addiction issues and/or problems with the police despite being born with a silver spoon, so mothering skills shouldn't be at the top of her resume.

Everyone on this list, everyone in the world and even Jimmy Kimmel could see Rob had addiction issues and was, politics aside, in legitimate need of help. She sat him down and basically said, "You just need to lose a few pounds, my baby boy, and stop playing with that Lisi boy; he's a bad influence." Jimmy Kimmel's little plea - the one Rob laughed at - to get help was more sincere. This is her own son and she can't see what I can see? I care about him getting help more than she does?

Again, lady - JiMMY KIMMEL could see it! We all could see it! You are the guy's mother!
Either you're too obtuse to have seen something obvious in front of your face or (more likely, IMHO) you were too self-centred and greedy to put caring for your son and his family and his health ahead of politics. Ask yourself, when he finally went to rehab, was it a health move or a political move? And if, like most of us, you think the timing was almost certainly political, who do you think made that call? Rob?!

First of all, addiction is a disease. It does not necessarily have anything to do with bad mothering skills. Addiction runs in my family. If you want to tell me that I suffer from addiction because my mother is a bad mother, you can rot a slow death in hell.

Second, denial is extremely powerful. My father was a severe alcoholic for years, and my mother didn't or couldn't see it until he almost died. It had nothing to do with her being self centered and greedy.
First of all, addiction is a disease. It does not necessarily have anything to do with bad mothering skills. Addiction runs in my family. If you want to tell me that I suffer from addiction because my mother is a bad mother, you can rot a slow death in hell.

Second, denial is extremely powerful. My father was a severe alcoholic for years, and my mother didn't or couldn't see it until he almost died. It had nothing to do with her being self centered and greedy.

Oh please. Her birthday present every year is the blood of a virgin poured from the skull of a vanquished socialist.
Wasn't Diane suspected to be the author of Rob's first crack denial speech? Wasn't there a few episodes when the Ford response to political crisis was a meeting at mom's house? What kind of 80-year-old mother gets messed up in her child's professional duties like that, especially when he has the responsibility of running the country's largest city? None of us know what the actual dynamics are behind the doors of that extremely dysfunctional family, but we can make enough of an educated guess to fuel a little speculation on a message board. She's no innocent in this mess.
First of all, addiction is a disease. It does not necessarily have anything to do with bad mothering skills. Addiction runs in my family. If you want to tell me that I suffer from addiction because my mother is a bad mother, you can rot a slow death in hell.

Second, denial is extremely powerful. My father was a severe alcoholic for years, and my mother didn't or couldn't see it until he almost died. It had nothing to do with her being self centered and greedy.

"Rot a slow death in hell," is a nice greeting.
Nice to meet you too.

Fine - let's put aside addiction and just talk about Doug's dealing, Kathy's stealing, Doug's pathological lying, Rob's narcissism, his wife-beating, their many of their obvious psychological issues do you want to brush off as diseases they were just born with?

I don't deny the strength of denial but it's really besides the point. There were police documents, videos, photographs...there could hardly have been any more evidence of Rob's issues at that point. Seems to me a good mother might have erred on the side of caution instead of encouraging him not to go to rehab. Unlike your parents, most people don't have the benefit of the police preparing a 100-page document outlining the person in question's issues.

Police: Your son was caught SMOKING CRACK with gang members. Also, we have pictures of him picking up envelopes from a known drug dealer, testimony of him allowing the same dealer to drive your children to an event at which he appeared so inebriated that he was asked to leave (this was also reported in a major newspaper?) and, also he has lied about all this and....really, why don't you read this because it's a pretty consistent picture.

Mother: Despite this I firmly state he does NOT have an addiction problem. Still, I think he should get a breathalyzer in his car and drop a few pounds. I mean, he can't stop being mayor! He wouldn't know what to with himself!

(And, as already mentioned she specifically intervened at his press conference, throwing out the Towhey-endorsed speech for the idiotic, "I cannot comment on a video..." message. You don't see any POLITICS in that choice she made?)
That's beyond denial. That's how I see it.
I think there are far too many debates, for the record.

From what I understand, the feds and province have only one or two debates? One in French, the other in English.

Also, why the necessity of filming in front of "a live studio audience"? It's a TV show. After more than 45 episodes, it's almost degenerated to the level of a bad sitcom.

Why can't they substitute a "laugh track" for the audience? The howler monkeys can savor it in their FN friendly bars.

On the other hand, would Doug show up at any debates without his cheering squad?

There's a perhaps older school of thought that considers addressing people like is disrespectful.

I hear you, Doctor. I consider myself to be, for better or worse, from the Old School in many ways.

We addressed our Chief, Commissioner and Chairman by their titles. More important however, was using a respectful ( not sarcastic ) tone when doing so.

Above them was the Base Hospital Physician aka Doctor God. Because only he could have your job.

"You ask me if I have a God complex. Let me tell you something. I am God."
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