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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm not convinced that Rob Ford would actually run again for mayor. On the one hand, he seems like the sort of guy who would want to give the finger to those people who wanted to see him kicked out, and being elected would be the best way to do that. On the other hand, if I have ever seen someone who hates their job, Rob Ford is that person. He never misses an opportunity to get pulled away from his duties, and I can't help but wonder if he would be reluctant to get sucked back into a job that he so obviously dislikes.

I think the decision will do nothing but embolden Ford Nation. I'm hearing the cries of "Activist Judge!!!" as I write this.
Why is Mayor Hazel still mayor after having a clear conflict of interest involving her son's development company? Somebody please explain this tidbit to me and I might be more receptive of Ford's removal.

This is not a legal explanation BUT Hazel had been mayor of Mississauga for 30 years with a strong record that included turning a bed room community into its own city mainly in a debt free way by development charges. She had never in those 30 years had any indiscretions politically. So when ONE mistake came up after 30 years people were willing to forgive. Rob Ford on the other hand has made mistake after mistake after mistake since being in office. He tried to buy that piece of park land behind his house for safety when there was a tape of him saying he was going to make a steal off the property. He ordered construction to be completed at his family's house so the family business party would go smoothly. He called in for a TTC bus. He drove and talked on his cell phone without a hands free device. He gave someone the figure. His wife called 911. Apparently he might be guilty of slandering a company and other countless thing that keep coming to mind. He's only been in office for two years and its consistent with his character to not give a sh@t about anybody else claiming he only cares about "the tax payers". He even lost the Toronto Sun in recent months. I'm not a lefty but I can see how one mayor got the benefit of the doubt and the other is no longer mayor.
This is not a legal explanation BUT Hazel had been mayor of Mississauga for 30 years with a strong record that included turning a bed room community into its own city mainly in a debt free way by development charges. She had never in those 30 years had any indiscretions politically. So when ONE mistake came up after 30 years people were willing to forgive. Rob Ford on the other hand has made mistake after mistake after mistake since being in office. He tried to buy that piece of park land behind his house for safety when there was a tape of him saying he was going to make a steal off the property. He ordered construction to be completed at his family's house so the family business party would go smoothly. He called in for a TTC bus. He drove and talked on his cell phone without a hands free device. He gave someone the figure. His wife called 911. Apparently he might be guilty of slandering a company and other countless thing that keep coming to mind. He's only been in office for two years and its consistent with his character to not give a sh@t about anybody else claiming he only cares about "the tax payers". He even lost the Toronto Sun in recent months. I'm not a lefty but I can see how one mayor got the benefit of the doubt and the other is no longer mayor.

But wait.. Isn't the rule of the law the rule of the law? There is no place for how good she may have been.

Clearly the law isn't blind, and yes this will embolden Ford nation to another level.
These days, when I hear the term "Ford Nation," I think of the Wizard of Oz... particularly the old man hidden behind the curtain, feebly twiddling knobs, threatening hellfire. The Great and Powerful Oz... Ford Nation.
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I predict a landslide re-election victory for Ford. In the minds of the ignorant mob, we've just seen a well heeled lawyer (to many, as reptilian a profession as politician) and the lefties depose the people's mayor over $3,100 and some procedural rules. Truth or fiction no matter.... I predict a landslide.

The lefties should have been hoping he'd win the case and continue his decline into obscurity. Now he's back in the fight.
But wait.. Isn't the rule of the law the rule of the law? There is no place for how good she may have been.

Clearly the law isn't blind, and yes this will embolden Ford nation to another level.

You really thought Rob Ford was a good mayor? What are you scared of with a new Mayor?

And I am definitely not a Lawyer so I cant answer your original question with Legal solutions. All I'm doing is explaining why public perception is so against Ford versus how most of Mississauga is in support of Hazel. Ford supporters cant keep continue to blame the Lefties and the Media for Fords failures. The fact is as even The Toronto Sun keeps pointing out, he is putting himself in these situations.
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These days, when I hear the term "Ford Nation," I think of the Wizard of Oz... particularly the old man hidden behind the curtain, feebly twiddling knobs, threatening hellfire. The Great and Powerful Oz... Ford Nation.
If you're right, he'll get wiped out in the re-election. However I predict the polar opposite. Remember that Ford won the last election with the highest % of the vote won by any TO mayor in recent memory.
I predict a landslide re-election victory for Ford. In the minds of the ignorant mob, we've just seen a well heeled lawyer (to many, as reptilian a profession as politician) and the lefties depose the people's mayor over $3,100 and some procedural rules. Truth or fiction no matter.... I predict a landslide.

The lefties should have been hoping he'd win the case and continue his decline into obscurity. Now he's back in the fight.

Perhaps, but as we've seen from the last few months, specifically how he has placed coaching a football team as a higher priority than running a city, I'm thinking he is having buyer's remorse. I think he knew this was going to be the verdict and that he was literally a lame duck mayor until the judgement came down, and saw it as an opportunity to do what he really enjoys doing and leave city running to someone who knows what they're doing.

Then again, it might just be Ford being Ford. Though even if the above is true, it leaves the door open for his brother to fight the good fight...

Side topic, I've been hearing that he may ask for a stay in sentencing on the news, but didn't someone here say that was not possible?
I think the only way FORD wins at all is if there are a number of other candidates from the other side and the votes get split. If its Chow vs Ford, Chow will win. Or even Stinz vs Ford, Stinz will win. But if its Stinz, Chow, Vs Ford, FORD may upset and win. That in my opinion is what happened in the first election and it will be more a issue in this upcoming election if ROB runs again. It didn't look like FORD really liked his job. Maybe he can spin this into a They forced me out exit plan but we righted the ship goodbye speech. Im not convinced he will run again.

Again, I think he's got a hard kernel of support and those folks will back him up no matter what he does or doesn't do. But I also think that a second time around would entail a very different election and that he's going to have to work very hard to get back in. His enemies will be relentlessly capitalizing on today's outcome.

But I don't think Ford will be "wiped out." I just don't think he can get back in... too many stains on his record.

I say "bring it." If nothing else, it would be an interesting race.
But wait.. Isn't the rule of the law the rule of the law? There is no place for how good she may have been.

Clearly the law isn't blind, and yes this will embolden Ford nation to another level.

No one brought a conflict of interest case against Hazel to Court, so therefor there was no chance of her losing her job.
Ford can not run in a by-election. The judgement reads that he can run beyond the current term. Ford will be out and forgotten in 2 years.

Now to his replacement. As much as I want to see a different direction for the city, this is still Ford's term. Appoint his deputee Doug Holyday as his replacement. What does this mean for the other Doug? Doug Ford's a rookie councillor who's only power came from brother being the Mayor. He's falling to irrelevance after this.
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