I've said it before and I'll say it again: Rofo has been far, far luckier than he's deserved with the people "opposing" him, as last night's pathetic excuse for a debate so amptly proves. He should have been relentlessly horse-whipped, but not one of the other candidates had the stomach to take it down to that level. And they're going to have to if he's to be stopped. You can't come out on top over his kind of open and unashamed thug with sweet reason, spouting bureaucrat-ese, or sticking your nose in the air and acting as if you're above such common, low-born vulgarities as, oh, fighting back. (Gasp! What would Miss Manners say?) Schoolyard bully types like the Ford brothers only understand pushback. Seriously, can this really be such a newsflash to the others who were up on that stage last night at this point in the proceedings?
If this is indicative of the events to come - i.e. Slob steam-rolling right along with his usual bluster and lies while the people supposedly standing against him weakly stutter, "M-m-m-maybe I disagree...if it isn't too much of an inconvenience," then he'll likely slime his way right back into City Hall with nary a problem. They have to take the kid gloves off. Yes, it's early yet, and yes, this was the first debate, but Jesus! Every one of us here knew perfectly well what Ford was going to do last night. Why the hell didn't Tory and the others? Did his utterly predicatble bullshit really come as such a surprise?