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Rob Ford's Toronto

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So Rob Ford is holding a press conference at 1:45, addressing the ice storm. Why is HE speaking rather than Norm Kelly??

Norm Kelly was interviewed by CP24 earlier this morning. He said that there is a back up generator at the emergency station but that 311 can't handle all the calls. He sounded like he was scrambling to get info, like saying message the city on facebook, lol, but at least he wasn't giving contradictory information like Moron Ford.
Isn't that the exact opposite of what everyone else is saying?

Ford acts as though this ice storm is the beginning of an ongoing disaster - like a post earthquake situation. So he tells people to go out into the worst of it to stock up on disaster relief supplies - in the middle of it! What an an unmitigated imbecile. Maybe he thinks if you drive an Escalade you're unaffected by weather, and besides if you do get into an accident the other guy will be the one that gets crushed.
At least he's not hiding out in his car this time

Oh wait, maybe that was the better option ...
Oh man, this downtown elitist has power at home. I'm half expecting to be rounded up by the brown shirts and executed.

Ford Nation is a personality cult like Hitler's. Blind and rabid foaming at the mouth in following the precepts of a completely evil and idiotic man. I'm saying it, Ford Nation are like Nazis.They may not be all exterminatory but they're definitely blinded by self-interest and hate. You may find this hyperbolic but it's only a question of degree.
Oh man, this downtown elitist has power at home. I'm half expecting to be rounded up by the brown shirts and executed.

Ford Nation is a personality cult like Hitler's. Blind and rabid foaming at the mouth in following the precepts of a completely evil and idiotic man. I'm saying it, Ford Nation are like Nazis.They may not be all exterminatory but they're definitely blinded by self-interest and hate. You may find this hyperbolic but it's only a question of degree.
I think for most of them, the appeal of Ford simply boils down to "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". That's why it doesn't matter what he does. Supporting Ford is just a roundabout way to tell you what they think of you. So if any of you have friends or relatives who are part of the Nay-shun, you might want to keep that in mind.
Ford was saying that he was the one in charge. But this was the exact issue addressed by the taking back of his powers. He is not in charge during emergency situations anymore.
I think for most of them, the appeal of Ford simply boils down to "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". That's why it doesn't matter what he does. Supporting Ford is just a roundabout way to tell you what they think of you. So if any of you have friends or relatives who are part of the Nay-shun, you might want to keep that in mind.

Much like post-Great War hate of those who crippled our nation, so to speak.

In any case, Ford was right! This brunch is awesome!
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