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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Also, security usually check your bags when you walk in to the chamber. So, you know, don't bring any crack or anything :)

I love going to council meetings. I usually try to attend once a month, at least. The longest I've sat there watching is around 5 hours. My back and butt were pretty sore afterwards!

... and also no food, drink, signs. The break for lunch is like 2 hours so there is plenty of time to eat if you want to sit there throughout the whole day's proceedings (as I did).
That's relativism - you can literally justify murder and genocide going down that road. And the ideal of due process is great - it just happens to ignore the reality of money and power/connections in the justice process. You know, the old debate between equality and equity.


Yes, and you can with objectivism too (read up on Ayn Rand's thoughts re: genocide of North American aboriginals). Simple minded approaches to morality are dangerous. Avoid simple mindedness.
Funny, considering what said individual thought about the Charter and the individuals it sought to protect. Due process for the very person who have demonstrated time and again his flagarant disregard for such is the height of abusing the system while systematically seeking to undermine it.

And sorry, I certainly would hope one put more stock on ethics instead of casually dismissing it with an "I don't care" - good governance depends on more than conformity with the law (which has already been tested to its limits in this particular case).


The beauty of our system is that it protects even the people who don't support it and don't act like they support it. Terrorists, scumbags, and even corrupt politicians all get the same protection.

It's not the place of Council to insert itself into a police investigation in any way. Ever.
Yes, and you can with objectivism too (read up on Ayn Rand's thoughts re: genocide of North American aboriginals). Simple minded approaches to morality are dangerous. Avoid simple mindedness.

Any less dangerous than simple minded approach to legality - much less when legality is equated to legitimacy and ethical behaviour? And that my comment was the response to, and I paraphrase, "I don't care about ethics". One should not be surprised that such an attitude will produce fully lawful but utterly unethical behaviour.

MetroMan advised me how to get in there. When you walk in the front foyer of city hall, to the back-right is an elevator which takes you to council chambers. There is a button that says 'C', but you can only push it when council is in session or right before they sit. I found it started working about 10 minutes beforehand. Just walk right in, turn to the right and take a seat in the gallery.
So you won't be confused the button to press is actually 3C.
The beauty of our system is that it protects even the people who don't support it and don't act like they support it. Terrorists, scumbags, and even corrupt politicians all get the same protection.

Protection from the criminal justice system, and not from social/political consequences. Don't confuse the two.

It's not the place of Council to insert itself into a police investigation in any way. Ever.

It is the place of Council to ensure the welfare of the city. If the mayor is damaging the welfare of the city through his or her actions, even if those actions are not (yet) demonstrated to be criminal, it has a right and a duty to act.
Or if you do, don't tell Rob -- you might have to share

Cut that out -- he's turned a corner. I mean, the man went for a jog, and visited Doug after a work out.

If that's not recovery, I don't know what is.

Ugh. I was trying to be funny, but now I'm just angry again. Damnit.
DMW's twitter just got very interesting:

Denzil Minnan-Wong ‏@DenzilMW 1h
@chadrogers @robertbenzie @TorontoStar You mean the crack smoking, lying king who hangs with the gun smuggling Dixon City Blood?
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Denzil Minnan-Wong ‏@DenzilMW 10m
@chadrogers @robertbenzie @TorontoStar yes the Mayor I supported until I discovered he lies, smokes crack and associates with criminals
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Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 4m
OK Cllr @DenzilMW you are definitely off my Christmas card list.
The beauty of our system is that it protects even the people who don't support it and don't act like they support it. Terrorists, scumbags, and even corrupt politicians all get the same protection.

It's not the place of Council to insert itself into a police investigation in any way. Ever.

The same protection - on paper. And besides, it's not so much so the question of the Charter but how the Municipal Act didn't necessarily foresee a circumstance such as this. To analogize - I don't believe Terrorists get to have a say the budget for CSIS or RCMP for the coming year, or have access to resources that can mobilize the population solely through his position and the official benefits offered thereof.

Council didn't insert itself into a police investigation - council demands the mayor account for his actions, which is a public revelation. He may well chose to avoid answering, but that speaks plenty and in and on itself.

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