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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I don't know what's happening in Canada these days from federal to provincial to municipal, corruption, governance, and criminal behaviour is just too rampant.

Yes. Times are curious. The senate scandal at the federal level could very well be the nail in the coffin for the Conservative gov't (they were just about done anyways). And of course the gas plant fiasco.
An observation: has anybody noticed how much louder the anti-Ford crowd has gotten since the bully label stuck to Ford? Not too long ago, you could find Ford Nation defenders dominating comment sections in the media while most people didn't care either way to comment. One can make an argument that the anti-Ford crowd has gotten much much larger than Ford Nation ever was. Meanwhile, Ford Nation defenders appear to have dropped off the map with only the usual career Ford Nation commenters persisting -- and even then, not always present in discussions. Almost all of these anti-Ford commenters are new names and the regretful former Ford Nation member is becoming common to see.

I think we're going to see a very powerful anti Ford movement during the election while Ford Nation will haven gone quiet and dispassionate. I mean, who can defend this guy with a straight face? I'd love to see a recent poll taken after the robocalls and the Lisi recommendation letter. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ford's support in the low 20's or teens, finally dislodging his teflon record.

I think the Joe Warmington dust-up was the final jump the shark moment for what remains of his non-professional fanbase. The Fords have been pumping this guy as a loyal ally and stellar journalist ever since the crack scandal broke. And then with one slightly negative article they go attack dog on him. So, I mean, people see what they do to their supposed friends. This isn't just another "commie" Star reporter they're bullying now. There are no more excuses.

Is it just me or does Ford look seriously sick(er than usual) in that video? Something about his stare, the tone of his skin doesn't sit right with me. The guy looks like a ghost.

And on a lighter note, can someone do something about his suit. It's wrinkly, collar is popping out and looks poorly tailored overall. I know he's a "man of the people", but I'm sure he could do better than this. It looks like he's wearing a dirty rag.
An observation: has anybody noticed how much louder the anti-Ford crowd has gotten since the bully label stuck to Ford? Not too long ago, you could find Ford Nation defenders dominating comment sections in the media while most people didn't care either way to comment. One can make an argument that the anti-Ford crowd has gotten much much larger than Ford Nation ever was. Meanwhile, Ford Nation defenders appear to have dropped off the map with only the usual career Ford Nation commenters persisting -- and even then, not always present in discussions. Almost all of these anti-Ford commenters are new names and the regretful former Ford Nation member is becoming common to see.

I've noticed this too. And of all his scandals, it happened during the robocalling (crazy, right? :confused:). Once the robocalling story broke people stopped defending him, even on conservative sites like the Sun.

I think we're going to see a very powerful anti Ford movement during the election while Ford Nation will haven gone quiet and dispassionate. I mean, who can defend this guy with a straight face? I'd love to see a recent poll taken after the robocalls and the Lisi recommendation letter. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ford's support in the low 20's or teens, finally dislodging his teflon record.

I'm not as optimistic as you. Hopefully we'll see some polling soon.
Is it just me or does Ford look seriously sick(er than usual) in that video? Something about his stare, the tone of his skin doesn't sit right with me. The guy looks like a ghost.

And on a lighter note, can someone do something about his suit. It's wrinkly, collar is popping out and looks poorly tailored overall. I know he's a "man of the people", but I'm sure he could do better than this. It looks like he's wearing a dirty rag.

i guess there's been some issues with his normal dry cleaning place... maybe even lost a few suits in the raid.
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I'm impatiently waiting for just one reporter to shout out to the rooftops, "the people of Toronto demand answers" and stop being such wimps with that bully.
That's just it. The media is there to get answers for the people. He thinks everyone loves him, and it's just the media that has issues. Or at least that's what he likes to project. Such an idiot!
This is how I feel about this matter as well. I can't see how Ford has actually harmed the city. For all his antics Ford is actually is doing a better job of running the city than David Miller did (what is Miller's big legacy? A subway to Vaughan?).

For the local media Rob Ford has been a bonanza. Readership is up and with it ad revenue. Ford's notoriety has also help put Toronto on the map and you can't underestimate the value of such publicity.

I've been lurking here for a while, but I had to create an account to add to your list. How could you have forgotten the Hero Burger at Nathan Phillips Square? Ford led the charge on this file, at great personal expense, for the good of Toronto taxpayers. The recent drop in unemployment rate is at least partially attributable to this victory, not to mention the billions in revenue that it will add to the local economy. On the cost side, since Ford doesn't arrive at City Hall until the afternoon, the staff don't have to report to work for 9AM, and they don't need a breakfast menu, adding up to untold billions saved.

Forget all the "funding" (i.e. gravy) Miller raised for transit in Toronto, and how much of that funding was needlessly wasted when Ford led the charge to cancel Transit City; forget that, without the surplus left by Miller, Ford wouldn't have been able balance the budget in his first year; forget that Miller focused on the long-term instead of formulating policies during his Dundas St W commute to City Hall ("FUCKING STREET CARS, I HAVE A MEETING AT 2PM!"); forget that Miller is a world renown city-builder and Rob Ford is an international embarrassment.

Forget all of that, there is now a Hero Burger at Nathan Phillips Square. You do Mayor Ford a great injustice by omitting his most hard-won victory. What kind of member of Ford Nation are you?
Metroman is absolutely right about the tide finally turning on Ford. It's been a very busy week for Rob, we've had: robocalls, the attack on the sleeping employee, the call to Warmington, the letters and for his encore, he ran away from his own press conference.

Ford is finished.:cool:
Things need to be even turned up more on this clown so he can resign. A lot of people are ditching him , he's being exposed for the criminal that he is. He sold the people that voted for him a big lie.
I've been lurking here for a while, but I had to create an account to add to your list. How could you have forgotten the Hero Burger at Nathan Phillips Square? Ford led the charge on this file, at great personal expense, for the good of Toronto taxpayers. The recent drop in unemployment rate is at least partially attributable to this victory, not to mention the billions in revenue that it will add to the local economy. On the cost side, since Ford doesn't arrive at City Hall until the afternoon, the staff don't have to report to work for 9AM, and they don't need a breakfast menu, adding up to untold billions saved.

Forget all the "funding" (i.e. gravy) Miller raised for transit in Toronto, and how much of that funding was needlessly wasted when Ford led the charge to cancel Transit City; forget that, without the surplus left by Miller, Ford wouldn't have been able balance the budget in his first year; forget that Miller focused on the long-term instead of formulating policies during his Dundas St W commute to City Hall ("FUCKING STREET CARS, I HAVE A MEETING AT 2PM!"); forget that Miller is a world renown city-builder and Rob Ford is an international embarrassment.

Forget all of that, there is now a Hero Burger at Nathan Phillips Square. You do Mayor Ford a great injustice by omitting his most hard-won victory. What kind of member of Ford Nation are you?

It's also funny how people attribute this Scarborough subway to Ford when it was the likes of Stintz who actually got the ball rolling on it. Also most of the money for it is the provincial funding which Miller got from the province.
Things need to be even turned up more on this clown so he can resign. A lot of people are ditching him , he's being exposed for the criminal that he is. He sold the people that voted for him a big lie.

I'm wondering if this isn't part of the bigger plan, wait until he hangs himself, and then any charges that are laid will be seen as fair. Up until now, he still had a secure base of voters, they would have screamed it was all a lefty plot.
It's also funny how people attribute this Scarborough subway to Ford when it was the likes of Stintz who actually got the ball rolling on it. Also most of the money for it is the provincial funding which Miller got from the province.

You mean Ford didn't get the private sector, in all of their philanthropic wonder, to pay for the entirety of his subway plan? Say it ain't so
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