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Rob Ford's Toronto

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-Flat-lined the budget saving Toronto $Billions in the years to come.

-Extending the Subway into Scarborough (instead of Vaughan!)

-Eliminated the Vehicle registration fee saving taxpayers $Millions

-Eliminated the 5 cent plastic bag fee (although most retailers are still charging the fee :mad: )

-Increased Toronto's profile worldwide through media coverage of his antics (outside of Canada he is the most famous Canadian politician of all time! )

These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head.

You mean, Canada's most infamous politician of all time.
During Rob's 2010 campaign, he released his Taxpayer Protection Plan. See this link:

  • Accountable voting- City Hall votes will be posted online and be accessible
  • Reducing secret meetings: reducing secret meetings so taxpayers stay in the know
  • Setting service standards: measurable service standards for front-line City Hall staff. Phone and email inquiries will receive timely responses
  • Rewarding customer service excellence: bonuses for senior managers, partly tied to measurable results in customer service
  • Real community consultation: setting specific standards for community consultation relating to major development and decisions
  • Stronger Community Councils: many decisions made at Community Council will no longer require City Council ratification
  • Giving citizens a voice a City Council: allowing the public to speak at City Council meetings

How much did he put into action? Or negated the action?

I'm I being too cynical in thinking it wasn't an accident that the young man with down-syndrome comes out of the mayors office, and Mr. Ford exchanges multiple "love you's" in front of the cameras?

Nope. This is a man who literally used his football players as human shields to avoid the media. It wouldn't have surprised me if he had that person tell the media to leave "Uncle Rob" alone.
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I'm impatiently waiting for just one reporter to shout out to the rooftops, "the people of Toronto demand answers" and stop being such wimps with that bully.
That would play right into Ford's hands by turning him into a sympathetic figure. The City Hall press needs to be as dispassionate as possible.
You mean, Canada's most infamous politician of all time.

Am I nuts for thinking that this could end up being the biggest scandal in Canadian history? Admittedly, not a very high bar, but still...

MetroMan (or anybody), do you have any idea why Provost is still there? I get why Price sticks around, Moussadi's reasons have been hinted at this week, and the others are basically children. Given what Provost must know, how on earth does he pretend that it's even remotely possible to put Humpty Dumpty back together again? Maybe there's a sense of duty to make the best of a bad situation, but good luck getting a job requiring a modicum of integrity after bathing in the stench of this shit show.

On a possibly related note, the Fords (Doug in particular) seem to have gone out of their way to mention Provost on the last two or three radio shows. They are clearly sending him some sort of very public message.
On a possibly related note, the Fords (Doug in particular) seem to have gone out of their way to mention Provost on the last two or three radio shows. They are clearly sending him some sort of very public message.

I dont listen to his show. What did he say? It may give us a hint at how close Provost is to giving up. If Ford is sucking up to him, that could be interpreted as a "please don't leave me". If he's distancing himself from his chief of staff in any way, he may have already given up and Provost is on the way out. Either way, there's a storm brewing at the mayors office over David Price. Any staff resignations --specially the Chief of Staff --- will be a canary in the coal mine and once the news comes, get ready to plug your ears for the explosion.
An observation: has anybody noticed how much louder the anti-Ford crowd has gotten since the bully label stuck to Ford? Not too long ago, you could find Ford Nation defenders dominating comment sections in the media while most people didn't care either way to comment. One can make an argument that the anti-Ford crowd has gotten much much larger than Ford Nation ever was. Meanwhile, Ford Nation defenders appear to have dropped off the map with only the usual career Ford Nation commenters persisting -- and even then, not always present in discussions. Almost all of these anti-Ford commenters are new names and the regretful former Ford Nation member is becoming common to see.

I think we're going to see a very powerful anti Ford movement during the election while Ford Nation will haven gone quiet and dispassionate. I mean, who can defend this guy with a straight face? I'd love to see a recent poll taken after the robocalls and the Lisi recommendation letter. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ford's support in the low 20's or teens, finally dislodging his teflon record.
I don't know what's happening in Canada these days from federal to provincial to municipal, corruption, governance, and criminal behaviour is just too rampant.
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