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Rob Ford's Toronto

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It must be a life of fear.

For Lisi - his actions scream fear.

Ford likely figures his money can buy him time, and a conveniently scheduled last minute (for politicians) trip out of the country. It would come as no surprise should he claim some sort of mental or physical incapacity to squirm out of being found guilty.
For Lisi - his actions scream fear.

Ford likely figures his money can buy him time, and a conveniently scheduled last minute (for politicians) trip out of the country. It would come as no surprise should he claim some sort of mental or physical incapacity to squirm out of being found guilty.

Now that you mention last minute trips, how long as this Austin trip been planned? Makes me wonder of Ford knew something was going down and got on the first plane out of here.
Now that you mention last minute trips, how long as this Austin trip been planned? Makes me wonder of Ford knew something was going down and got on the first plane out of here.

The trip was announced last Friday, September 27 with details released on September 30.

Surely the mayor's logistics staffer wouldn't leave something like that to the last minute. (sarcasm smiley)
Fair point. Changed to "ideologue" for neutrality. Must be his bug-eyes (and record as labour minister) that brought the word "lunatic" to mind.

Yeah, the bug-eyes made him the archetypal young-Tory wisenheimer in his day (sort of a pre-Hudak in that regard).

But boy, he's aged badly in his decade out of power; one wonders what *he's* been through...


Please tell me this is enough to squash all the insinuation about there being "other reasons" for Giroux to be on the case.

No one has produced any evidence for or against the proposition that Giroux was given the mandate because he's the best dective on the force. Certainly, we would all like to believe that the TPS would have nothing but truth and justice as its guiding principles, at least in its investigation of criminal behaviour by high public officials. But I would argue that, in reality, there is enough evidence to undermine my aspirations for the categorical purity of the TPS's motivations. And without such certainty, I have less confidence that Giroux gets his assignments solely based on investigational merit. The Globe story could be strait-up reportage, or it be a vehicle for a TPS smokescreen.

I envy your confidence in our criminal justice system.

I can't imagine it'll be long before Ford himself is taken into custody. With all the alleged dirt the cops already have on him, one is led to believe that they haven't arrested him on solicitation or obstruction because they're after a bigger catch. Ford has to be inhibited by some real serious form of mental retardation to be able to live day to day and not worry that the cops are going to be dragging him across the lawn in his underwear sooner or later.

MM, I love you and appreciate your efforts and apparent motives, but I think your optimism may be causing you to overlook the possibility that the police haven't charged Ford (in re: Project Traveller and associated shenanigans (p.s. I love that the Fords use this word!)) because they desperately don't want to and are trying not to.

That, or Ford is completely innocent. ZZZZZZZZZIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!
MM, I love you and appreciate your efforts and apparent motives, but I think your optimism may be causing you to overlook the possibility that the police haven't charged Ford (in re: Project Traveller and associated shenanigans (p.s. I love that the Fords use this word!)) because they desperately don't want to and are trying not to.

It's an interesting assumption that the police are trying to avoid charging Ford (not saying it's necessarily a bad assumption). Police have certainly been more than willing to charge Fontana and Tremblay, but they were accused of abusing their powers. Offhand I can't think of any sitting politicians who were charged for behaviour unrelated to their position and not involving DUI or other driving infractions. Are there any lawyers reading who could help with a precedent search?
Ford likely figures his money can buy him time, and a conveniently scheduled last minute (for politicians) trip out of the country. It would come as no surprise should he claim some sort of mental or physical incapacity to squirm out of being found guilty.

Though re "money"--money is finite. And I still wouldn't be surprised if the Ford/Deco kitty is running dry, not only through busted "connections" but the sheer absurd expense behind setting up Centennial Park-scaled Ford Fest extravaganzas. Like they're spending, spending, desperate to plug up their holes and keep themselves and their support watertight. It's like they've gone from the "blue-collar aristocracy" values that defined their father to a Lotto Max-winner's madness that's sure to not end pretty at all...
At 9pm Jonathan Goldsbie and Sue-Ann Levy will be on Rogers TV to discuss politics in Toronto. Should be an interesting hour of television.

Those two (especially the latter) aren't fit to discuss the dump I took after dinner.

EDIT: Surprised it isn't on Sun News TV. Perhaps they are hoping to reach a bigger audience on cable access television.
I can't see this "One Toronto" approach working either, especially if it's something that aims to win with a warm Liberal Party dose of multicultural diversity, looks ad agency produced and focus-grouped, and gets praised for its message by the CBC, NOW, the Star, and the Twittersphere. Too much potential for those sympathetic to Ford's message to see "One Toronto" as the downtown elite asking the taxpayers to step back into line, quit acting uppity and adopt our proper tasteful values of tolerance and diversity.

Anyone good with video? Here's an idea for a grassroots negative campaign for Youtube:

Find a few examples of Ford saying "Anything else?"

Find a few examples of Ford running from the media, including the time he walks into the camera.

Then, using a combination of text and pictures, begin the retelling of all the Ford scandals, from the simple and stupid like the time he gave the finger to the mother in the next car, to the serious and dangerous, like the drunk driving or the associations with criminals.


Between each Ford scandal or episode cut to him once again asking "Anything else?", so that it seems like he's asking for just what more he could have possibly done. The idea is to illustrate just how never-ending Ford screw-ups and scandals have been, will continue to be, and how significant and serious some of them have been.

Throw in the shots of him hiding and running from the media, making them more frequent as the video progresses.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the leftists are always immediately jumping to divisive partisan hate politics. They preach about positivity and "One Toronto" but they're the first ones diving into the mud to do hatchet jobs and smear hardworking men like Rob Ford.

Sure she has big name recognition and is well known. She got that when she married Jack Layton. Most people know of her without knowing much about her. Knowing of someone is not the same as knowing about someone.

For example, what if anything did she accomplish as a councilor? I can't think of anything. Probably because councilors don't have much power to do anything. The same could be said for her husband Jack, what did he accomplish as councilor other than propose a successful crackdown on lap-dancing in strip clubs (around the the same time he was frequenting massage parlors).

Likewise as an MP sitting in opposition - what did Chow accomplish? Anything? She is the NDP's transportation critic. Has she done anything useful in this job other than call for the closure of Billy Bishop - an airport which supports 5700 local jobs and pumps $2 Billion into the Toronto economy?

By contrast Ford has a growing list of achievements e.g. Scarborough Subway, flat-lining city budget (saving $Billions!) , elimination of vehicle registration tax, elimination of 5 cent plastic bag fee, etc.

Supporters of Chow will point to the fact that she has been on the "right side" of many issues but supporting a cause with rhetoric is not the same thing as actually accomplishing something.

If Chow chooses to run in the next election and she is asked about promises made promises kept what will be her reply? Rob Ford on the other hand...

No of course not. I am completely serious. I don't know what in my comments would make you think I am being sarcastic.

I just realized in my list of Ford accomplishments I omitted a biggie! Rob Ford cleaned house at TCHC by firing corrupt and incompetent senior management and bringing in a top-notch CEO to clean up the mess! A huge accomplishment that is having a positive effect on the 10,000's of needy Toronto residents who depend upon public housing.

Chow doesn't have much support outside downtown core.

Also Chinese people in the suburbs won't vote her for various reasons

It's the one thing that everyone is thinking but is afraid to say but I think it's racist to suggest the orientals wouldn't vote for a white guy that gets our fiscal house in order just because there might be an oriental woman running.

There you have it: the obstruction of justice charges are beginning to roll out. As I reported some weeks ago, Ford himself is allegedly implicated. If Lisi squeals, it's possible that we can have a Mayor in cuffs soon.

More wishful thinking and fanciful tales from MetroMan. There were no obstruction charges and there probably won't ever be. I'll be here waiting for those obstruction charges for a long time. We'll all be waiting for a long time.

If you watched the press conference, you notice how the spineless professional maggots operate.

Rob Ford was trying to get to Austin to bring more jobs back to Toronto but instead of reporting on the jobs or chasing after the real waste at City Hall like a $75,000 chair or unacceptable parking expenses, they went to his house to stalk his family, stalk his kids and stalk his friends. Absolutely no class.

They should be asking why the leftists at City Hall aren't going out and doing the same thing to build bridges with the private sector to drum up more business and more jobs for Toronto.
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the leftists are always immediately ...
Leftists? What has this got to do with right/left? The Mayor of Toronto is a cocaine addict, and your worried about left/right?

If this is left/right, then does that make Tories all druggies? No. Stop trying to turn this into something it's not. It isn't about left/right.

It's about a wife-beating drug-addicted bigot lying and stealing taxpayers money. I'm sure it's not only leftists who are against this.
Yes, other municipalities will be lining up for the same kinds of mega-favours. Every action causes a reaction. Now it's a game of political/economic triage.... or maybe it's more about gambling.

So this is the first time that the federal government has provided partial funding to a transit project? I'm confused here.
MM, I love you and appreciate your efforts and apparent motives, but I think your optimism may be causing you to overlook the possibility that the police haven't charged Ford (in re: Project Traveller and associated shenanigans (p.s. I love that the Fords use this word!)) because they desperately don't want to and are trying not to.

It's an interesting assumption that the police are trying to avoid charging Ford (not saying it's necessarily a bad assumption). Police have certainly been more than willing to charge Fontana and Tremblay, but they were accused of abusing their powers. Offhand I can't think of any sitting politicians who were charged for behaviour unrelated to their position and not involving DUI or other driving infractions. Are there any lawyers reading who could help with a precedent search?

Fontana was charged by the RCMP and Tremblay by the SQ. Why in heaven's name are the TPS responsible for investigating their boss? Maybe, as voxpop says, they really aren't. Or maybe they are, but they're going to sit on the evidence until the 2015 contract negotiations ...

It's the one thing that everyone is thinking but is afraid to say but I think it's racist to suggest the orientals wouldn't vote for a white guy that gets our fiscal house in order just because there might be an oriental woman running.

If you watched the press conference, you notice how the spineless professional maggots operate.

Rob Ford was trying to get to Austin to bring more jobs back to Toronto but instead of reporting on the jobs or chasing after the real waste at City Hall like a $75,000 chair or unacceptable parking expenses, they went to his house to stalk his family, stalk his kids and stalk his friends. Absolutely no class.

They should be asking why the leftists at City Hall aren't going out and doing the same thing to build bridges with the private sector to drum up more business and more jobs for Toronto.

Oh dear. Forgotten, but not Gone.
Jonathan Kuehlein ‏@JPKnews 8m

More on drug arrest of Mayor Ford's friend, plus two Star exclusives. Thursday's @TorontoStar front page. #topoli
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