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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

This is why dentists are not ready to fully reopen in Ontario

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dentist makes big changes ahead of planned reopening Monday

Cohen has gone to great lengths to prepare and reopen safely. He’s purchased new machines like medical filters for air purification and a UV towel warmer which can be used to disinfect masks.

The office has installed plexi-glass and new doors on examination rooms, stockpiled PPE and created a staff change-room.

Cohen also re-designed how patients will visit the office, everything from a virtual check-in via text to funnelling visitors out the back door to minimize contact. Patients will have their temperature checked before their appointment and will be required to wear a mask.

Huh? At a dentist? I'll be damned if I can figure out how that works!

I mean, when you're paying the bill, sure............
Premier tired of taking Bullet? OPSEU helped Premier dodge bullet in long-term care crisis

Statement from OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas on claims from Premier Doug Ford that OPSEU blocked government inspectors from visiting long-term care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic:

From link.

It’s unbelievable how government managers are keeping the Premier in the dark about what has happened in long-term care homes. Today they inserted their collective foot in the Premier’s mouth.

The Premier’s claim that OPSEU told occupational health and safety inspectors and long-term care inspectors to not go into the facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic is utterly untrue.

Managers in the Ministry of Health and Long-Term care are purposely misleading the Premier to cover up their own incompetence that covers decades of inaction. Inaction that has cost thousands of lives of our most vulnerable citizens. People who helped build this province and make it what it is today.

We never told our members not to go into long-term homes. There was never one work refusal. Managers gave direction not to enter the long term care homes.

In a letter I sent to the Premier and Minister of Long Term Care on April 22, a letter that has still gone unanswered, we advised them not to send inspectors into the facilities because there was no Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), no infection control protocol, no policies, no training and no pandemic planning in place. We were concerned that inspectors could have potentially and unknowingly spread COVID from home to home. Imagine the scenario had all 626 homes been impacted.

In the letter I also pointed out that: “Residents are not receiving the care that they need in some of these homes. We know that private long-term care home providers never had a plan for this level of illness within their facilities and that’s the inherent issue with privatization.”

In essence we raised some of the same concerns the military did, about long-term care albeit a month earlier.

In the same vein, further evidence of our warning is where I go on to point out that “Senior ministry staff have also stated inspectors need to physically see if residents are being treated properly. We already know they are not. Senior bureaucrats know it too.”

OPSEU flagged the problem for the government in this April 22 letter. We spent weeks trying to get PPE for our inspectors. Now that they have limited access to PPE, they are carrying out inspections in those homes where it is available.

Imagine for a second the terrible tragedy that could have happened had the inspectors gone into the homes without proper safeguards, especially given what we now know about asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission. The death toll could have been even worse than it already is.

The Premier says he is tired of taking bullets for the union, but in this case our prudence helped him dodge one.

At one point this spring, inspectors were asked to volunteer to go into the homes, even though they were concerned for their own health and the welfare of residents because they didn’t have the appropriate equipment. Some 60 of the 164 inspectors responded. Further evidence of their commitment.

The real problem is that there are only 164 inspectors to cover some 626 long-term care homes. Inadequate staffing is yet another area where ministry managers have failed to give the Premier and the Minister of Long Term Care the real facts. We have consistently pointed out that shortcoming as well.

Sun Media columnist Brian Lilley recently said heads need to roll in the ministry and we agree with him. This latest bureaucratic smokescreen covering up bad management is further proof of that.

The Premier has a choice: If he listens to front-line workers through their union, OPSEU, he can get the truth about what is going on in long-term care and what he needs to do to make things right.

Or he can listen to this dreadful gang of blundering, incompetent and dishonest ministerial managers who care more about looking out for their careers than looking out for seniors in long-term care homes who have given us so much and have been failed by bureaucratic self-interest. Many of these managers have presided aimlessly for years, even decades during this disaster in the making.

I want to reiterate that we never tried to stop our members from onsite inspections, the only thing we wanted to do was to ensure the inspections were done safely. We wanted a cautious and prudent plan in place before our inspectors were sent in. Lives counted on it. Because of our approach, lives were saved.

If the Premier is interested in the truth and solutions, OPSEU is ready to meet with him anytime.

In fact, I look forward to further shining a light on this travesty as a witness at the upcoming inquiry.

A lot of players aren’t going to like what I have to say.

For more information: Warren (Smokey) Thomas: 613-329-1931
The province needs to reopen the north and rural areas of the province.

Toronto wont be ready to reopen for a long time.
If there is video of this, which is my understanding, I would like to see the images of the perpetrators made public.

This incident took place in mid-April, more than a month ago, and as yet, no one has been charged!

Perhaps the public could assist in identifying the suspects.

In the article, the shop owner says she recognized the 4 assailants as regular customers, so the police should have a decent description. It's a bit baffling that a month later no arrests have been made.
So, is TPS on the case? Unless you're a gangbanger or drug dealer it seems we get little interest from TPS.

I wonder this too sometimes. Considering the TPS eats up a massive amount of the city budget, they're rather inconspicuous. What are all these thousands of officers doing all day? Assign them to patrolling their communities on foot, not idling in their cruisers stuffing their faces with donuts while mindlessly blocking bike lanes.

If I were mayor I'd be pressuring the police department with regards to higher public transparency regarding activities and spending.
I'm posting this here, because its a Covid-Related Stat.

But what caught my attention is the listed population of the City of Toronto.

There are independent numbers shown for Peel, York and Durham.

Why is the number 200,000 higher than any other stat I've seen for the City?

I knew this was going to happen. Quebec is the 7th deadliest place in the world in regards to covid deaths. Kids/Teachers will get sick.

I knew this was going to happen. Quebec is the 7th deadliest place in the world in regards to covid deaths. Kids/Teachers will get sick.

South Korea closed their schools again after cases spiked upon reopening:

Ah jeez, this is where it begins folks....

.“You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”

