News   Jun 26, 2024
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News   Jun 26, 2024
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News   Jun 25, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

Aluminum doesn’t block radiation or radio waves. Same as with copper, aluminum is used to conduct, not block electric current. If you want to block radiation or radio waves you need a lead hat, like the lead shield your dentist makes you wear when taking ex rays.

Actually, it can, but it depends on the type of radiation and factors such as frequency, wavelength, strength, etc. Sometimes its in the design, materials or whether or not it is grounded. The mesh in the window of your microwave is designed to block the energy that heats the food, coaxial cable has a shielding mesh, and if you bust apart your cel phone you will see energy absorbing shields. I don't know much about 5G but I'm guessing all a tinfoil hat does is make you look like a dork.
Oh no.

Actually, it can, but it depends on the type of radiation and factors such as frequency, wavelength, strength, etc. Sometimes its in the design, materials or whether or not it is grounded. The mesh in the window of your microwave is designed to block the energy that heats the food, coaxial cable has a shielding mesh, and if you bust apart your cel phone you will see energy absorbing shields. I don't know much about 5G but I'm guessing all a tinfoil hat does is make you look like a dork.
Conspiracy theorists are dorks for believing that aluminum foil can block radiation and for having a very bad sense of fashion.
Tory advises people to work from home until at least September, to alleviate overcrowding the TTC system as it adjusts to increased ridership again.

I’ll be driving my car to work, you won’t find me on public transit whatsoever. Never more than before the TTC is now truly only for the desperate, poor, old and students.
I’ll be driving my car to work, you won’t find me on public transit whatsoever. Never more than before the TTC is now truly only for the desperate, poor, old and students.

Reality is that not everyone has a car or they may live/work downtown where public transit is the ideal mode of transportation under normal circumstances. So the directive is for people who have the ability to work from home to continue doing so. Which will allow those who work front line, service industry or even manufacturing in the boroughs to social distance as much as possible.
Aluminum doesn’t block radiation or radio waves. Same as with copper, aluminum is used to conduct, not block electric current. If you want to block radiation or radio waves you need a lead hat, like the lead shield your dentist makes you wear when taking ex rays.

Pro tip for those who are truly scared of radio waves: Suck on the lead for extra blocking effect as the heavy metals ruin your liver and thus eventually render you no longer with us and fully free of all radio waves....forever. :D

...well, free of being concious of said radio waves anyway.
I'm posting this here, because its a Covid-Related Stat.

But what caught my attention is the listed population of the City of Toronto.

There are independent numbers shown for Peel, York and Durham.

Why is the number 200,000 higher than any other stat I've seen for the City?

The thing that most caught my attention on that graph was the population of Halton. 620k?! You guys sure?
Tory advises people to work from home until at least September, to alleviate overcrowding the TTC system as it adjusts to increased ridership again.

I will immediately start building homes for other people from home. Why didn't I think of this before? I'm a fool.
Sweden becomes country with highest virus deaths per capita – but keeps bars & restaurants open.

We're all just jealous that Sweden are partying like it's 1999 and we're stuck at home baking cookies and sitting on the inernet.
Sweden becomes country with highest virus deaths per capita – but keeps bars & restaurants open.

Sounds like the Swedes are okay with this. They’re certainly not protesting outside the Riksdag or Kungliga slottet.
