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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Is it really that difficult though? If the debt goes up in a year, you have a deficit. That's it.
It's nowhere near that simple. That must boggle simple minds, but there you go.
All comments from all Parties lack context, albeit that doesn't deter reactionaries from all sides playing fast and loose with plasticine figures. From the very linked reference you provide:
04/19/2016 11:17 EDT | Updated 04/20/2017 05:12 EDT
Liberals' Budget Deficit Won't Be As Big As They Predict, Budget Watchdog Says
  • Andy Blatchford, The Canadian PressCP
OTTAWA — The parliamentary budget office projects federal deficits in each of the next five years won't be as deep as those in Ottawa's forecasts.

A new report by the budget watchdog also contests the Liberal government's estimate that the public books will show a shortfall for 2015-16.

The analysis says Ottawa will run a $700-million surplus in 2015-16 as opposed to the $5.4-billion deficit projected in last month's federal budget.

So how's that coming along there?

Anyone who gets their voting cues from headlines based on vapour with a few sprinkles of grit is only marginally more informed than the iGeneration.

All the business press have been doing in-depth articles of *all nations* of *all political persuasions* on this for generations.

How's that mortgage coming along on your house? Who owns it? You or the bank? Does the principle outweigh the interest and servicing costs? Then it's an asset.

THAT is what the huge accounting broo-ha is about. In the event, Canada does better than most nations on how it's shown on the books, but don't get me started. At the end of the day, it comes down to making the borrowed investment pay off multiples.
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Butch McLarty @ButchyMcLarty
Replying to @TheAgenda @spaikin

"It shouldn't be easy to use the food bank." ~ London West's appointed PC candidate Andrew Lawton on am980, Feb 27, 2014, during a rant about those using the food bank. He also suggested food bank clients should be required to take training in order to hunt & kill their own food.

This is what the PC party believes.
Yeah, I know they are all there, but would you be eating any of those? And I suspect it's illegal to hunt them anyway. I guess Mr. Lawton didn't think of that.
I guess you have to make your bow and arrow too because rifle and bullets are cheap. Noting how gathering didn’t make the discussion either - it’s too effete perhaps.

Now if he is arguing that food bank users should be, where possible, taught to make what they have go further - sure - but I have a feeling they don’t need a general populace that waste 31B worth of food per year to tell them that.

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On the subject of Lysyk; she has regrettably, in my judgement either crossed the line of being overly partisan, or is simply an attention-seeker.

She is completely on point on her concern about government advertising. The Liberals did weaken her oversight powers, that was an overtly political act w/no real public benefit.

She isn't completely wrong on the messy hydro accounting, in so far as her concern is value for money and/or transparency. This a completely fair critique of the government.

However, on the pension issue, the Wynne Liberals have accounted for this the exact same way as the Harris Tories did. There has been no change in GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) or in PSAS (Public Service Accounting Standards) that merit a change in this type of accounting.

Further, if there had been, it would only be fair to order re-statement of every budget going back to the Harris years, increasing their deficits as well, so as to allow an apples-to-apples comparison of fiscal probity.

Her obsession w/this last item; as well her general demeanor of not sticking to the facts, but rather loudly editorializing on her preferences smacks of grandstanding and unfortunately takes away from real and genuine concerns about value-for-money and government advertising.
The food bank remark, is of course, asinine.

Aside from making the would-be MPP look incredibly ignorant, much as with my critique above, it takes away from fair expressions of concern.

Every party should be concerned that food banks have become far too common place. Not that feeding the hungry is wrong, nor that fraud is rampant as middle-class folk visit to cut their grocery bill! :rolleyes:

Rather, what was meant as a stop-gap solution to one symptom of extreme poverty, has instead become a permanent and growing staple of life for many, including a great number of people who have full-time employment.

There are small-c conservative ideas that can help address this issue, though they would not be fulsomely effective without some progressive ideas as well.

When someone chooses to make such an incredibly stupid and insensitive statement, one that should and probably does embarrass any serious conservative (or other) thinker on the subject its a sad
waste. It diminishes faith in government and those who seek its office and leaves many w/the impression there are no good ideas to tackle issues such as these, when indeed there are, this is simply not one of them.

Somewhere in his statement is the bare whisper of a notion that self-reliance is good quality/value. I happen to agree.

I simply see nothing in his suggestion that furthers that goal, nor do I care for what seems like a crass insult to those who find themselves in a vulnerable place, implying that its their own lazy fault.
Butch McLarty @ButchyMcLarty
Replying to @TheAgenda @spaikin

"It shouldn't be easy to use the food bank." ~ London West's appointed PC candidate Andrew Lawton on am980, Feb 27, 2014, during a rant about those using the food bank. He also suggested food bank clients should be required to take training in order to hunt & kill their own food.
This is what the PC party believes.
I deposited a few dead rats some months back, being a good Con and all that. Seems it paid off handsomely, the rats have swollen to many times their original size in just a short time.

Next stop, the Shark Tank...oh...and I'm forming a new political party. We all get to wear party hats, bait traps, and rake in the dough. We're against the Establishment. Elites and all that ya know...

Still haven't got a scandal figured out, but we're working on it. Seems at least one is essential for people to believe we're serious. Then they'll vote for you...
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Rather, what was meant as a stop-gap solution to one symptom of extreme poverty, has instead become a permanent and growing staple of life for many, including a great number of people who have full-time employment.
We really have become desensitized to it. It's the society's fabric ripping around the edge. These aren't people who don't want to work or pay their taxes and have a better life for their kids. These are people who *are working* in many cases, more than one job.

Beyond sympathy for these folks individually, it's a canary in the cold (sic) mine for society in general. Tinges of the Thirties...and Rome.
This is just another example of the Liberal arrogance.

They really do think the Ontario electorate is stupid enough to fall for this.

It is, but we're about to see that the Ontario electorate is stupid enough to fall for all kinds of "this" and that.
This is what the PC party believes.

I don't know about that. I would suggest that it's what Andrew Lawton believes. I wonder if he knows how to hunt and kill his own food. Weird that he didn't mention growing your own crops and foraging.

If you ask me, everyone should know how to hunt, forage, and cultivate their own food. Forcing people to learn these skills is supremely autocratic though. No thanks. Besides, I'm already skilled in self-sufficiency. Maybe I should go hunting with Andrew Lawton up north somewhere, see who's more "useful" (or whatever he was implying).
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Hunting for your own food? I get a mental picture of Darryl from the Walking Dead hunting racoons in downtown Toronto
