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  1. L

    Old City Hall Proposals

    I am undoubtedly in the minority, but I always thought that Old City Hall was somewhat awkward. It's an okay copy of a much better building, but only an okay one. The tower provides a wonderful terminus to Bay Street, much as the Old City Hall in Philadelphia caps off the center city district...
  2. L

    Toronto's "urban myths"

    Great idea for a thread! One thing commonly said of Toronto and specifically Cabbagetown is that it contains the largest intact Victorian neighbourhood in North America. I have never been able to find any actual factual support for this claim, which would appear on the face of it to be untrue...
  3. L

    NY Times Article about Toronto

    I am tired of seeing the multicultural fabric we have created, however accidentally, reduced to "things to consume." If I never ate another plate of fill-in-the-blank-with-exotic-ethnic-delicacy ever again I'd be just as happy. The real value comes from ways to subtly respond to and sympathize...
  4. L

    NY Times Article about Toronto

    Remind me when any of those hired Jayson Blair. Or blew through umpteen million on a new headquarters just as print fell into the toilet. Or had Judith Miller pitching for an illegal war under the guise of far and objective journalism. I wouldn't wipe my ass with that rag.
  5. L

    NY Times Article about Toronto

    Anyway, the point is we don't need some lickspittle nonsense from the Grey Lady's glass-brained bylines nor should we care how they view us.
  6. L

    NY Times Article about Toronto

    Pretty much any Canadian weekly or daily news outlet is superior to its US equivalent. I make an exception for Harpers and occasionally The Atlantic.
  7. L

    NY Times Article about Toronto

    Who cares? The New York Times is a barely literate joke and the writer is a typically American moron who equates ethnic culture with food. Fuck them and their opinion.
  8. L

    Toronto Urban Sprawl Compared to Other Cities

    This is almost a perfect storm of stupid assumptions. Anyone familiar with my posting here knows I am not exactly rah-rah about the yanks, but Detroit's suburbs are absolutely no worse than Toronto's, and, if you go in for Gatsby-era tat (I don't), are extremely impressive of their type...
  9. L

    Toronto Urban Sprawl Compared to Other Cities

    I would say that the older American suburbs are far superior to their Toronto counterparts at least in terms of architecture. There is no outlying area of the GTA that has Oak Park's Frank Lloyd Wright heritage or the shingle style houses of suburban Boston. Even New York's Bronxville and...
  10. L

    Toronto Urban Sprawl Compared to Other Cities

    Again, you are assuming the worst examples are the only examples. There are places in the US where suburban development sees far stricter codes and guidelines than does Toronto. And vast swathes of Brampton, etc., look every bit as horrid, car-dependent and chintzy as the worst US examples.
  11. L

    Toronto Urban Sprawl Compared to Other Cities

    The point is well taken but the idea that thousands of acres of Toronto's environs don't look precisely like this is ridiculous. And I would not choose Atlanta as a city indicative of general trends int he US. Its historical and geographic development makes it the freak of the East Coast...
  12. L

    Toronto Urban Sprawl Compared to Other Cities

    Oakville is Oxford, UK, compared with Levittown. You actually visited just to say you'd been?
  13. L

    Midtown Toronto

    Just to say it, I still dislike the use of the wretched Americanism "midtown" to describe this district. It makes no sense geographically.
  14. L

    Toronto/Chicago comparisons

    People in New York only talk about vacation destinations and second homes. Toronto, Chicago and 99% of the planet is simply not on their radar.
  15. L

    Toronto Urban Sprawl Compared to Other Cities

    That said, I don't know that Atlanta is any more indicative of American sprawl than, say, Pittsburgh or Denver or Philadelphia; or, conversely, that Toronto's suburbs aren't just as bland beyond their ethnic component and proximity to the central city.
  16. L

    Toronto Urban Sprawl Compared to Other Cities

    I was just about to log in and say White Plains is NYC's equivalent of Oakville, at least in terms of general appearance and income bracket. New York suburbs tend to be soulless culture-free zones with no diversity or architectural interest to speak of, so there's that to consider.
  17. L

    Yonge Street Revitalization (Downtown Yonge BIA/City of Toronto)

    "Old world charm." Hmmm. I do not think that means what you think it means.
  18. L

    Toronto/Chicago comparisons

    You're joking. "Park view" in New York City means "more expensive apartment than identical apartment in same building without park view." It is the same elsewhere in North America at least and I assume globally. Now if you mean no one has run numbers on exactly what the difference represents...
  19. L

    Toronto/Chicago comparisons

    Yes - I'd also point out that the Beaux Arts only really took off in the Midwest after the 1890s, some 20 years after the fire. The new "Chicago School" was already well established by that time.
  20. L

    Toronto/Chicago comparisons

    One of the stupider comments I've read on this site.
