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What's the future for the Conservative Party?

I agree with his basic points because they jive extremely well with my own globalist worldview.
Tribalism kills and pandering to what differentiates us is pandering to narcissism and self-importance.
People are people, we don't care about your self-identity, only your character is of any importance.

Oh, Maxime.....still my second choice after Chong.
I hear this sentiment a lot—the so-called colourblindness, everyone is equal etc. This completely ignores that people are indeed different—in how they behave and in how they are treated. And sorry, inequality does exist. You want to tackle the problem of indigenous children over-represented in the foster care system, you cannot ignore race and culture.

By the way, Canada has a rich tradition and culture of First Nations, European settlers, and new immigrants. It's just funny when people only think what is "Canadian" is typically associated with the second.

What even prompted this series of tweets? It just smacks of insecurity, and dare I say, "fear of the other".
I hear this sentiment a lot—the so-called colourblindness, everyone is equal etc. This completely ignores that people are indeed different—in how they behave and in how they are treated.

Everyone is equal. This is a universal truth. Whether or not everyone is treated this way is a separate issue. Obviously people are different. That isn't the point though. The point is that pandering to our differences whilst ignoring our commonalities leads to destructive and ass-backward tribalism.

And sorry, inequality does exist. You want to tackle the problem of indigenous children over-represented in the foster care system, you cannot ignore race and culture.
Yes, I know. Again, this isn't the point here. The point is that pandering to our differences whilst ignoring our commonalities leads to destructive and ass-backward tribalism which divides and demeans us.

By the way, Canada has a rich tradition and culture of First Nations, European settlers, and new immigrants.
Word. That's the point. Again.

It's just funny when people only think what is "Canadian" is typically associated with the second [European settlers].

What? Nobody said any of that. Bernier didn't and neither did I, so why bring this up?
The attitude you describe is one displayed by ignorant fools. I don't think either me nor Bernier are ignorant fools.

What even prompted this series of tweets? It just smacks of insecurity, and dare I say, "fear of the other".
This part is a good question. I think Bernier is bored. This came out of nowhere for no discernible reason.
That being said, your assumption is a baseless accusation. I don't see why that would be the case. If you'd care to ascribe my agreement with the gist of his message to that particular attitude then I don't mind laughing at you. Surely you don't think I am somehow insecure in my being and afraid of "the other" (whatever the hell "the other" is supposed to be in my case).

One day we'll finally learn: from one we came and to one we shall return.
Everyone is equal. This is a universal truth. Whether or not everyone is treated this way is a separate issue. Obviously people are different. That isn't the point though. The point is that pandering to our differences whilst ignoring our commonalities leads to destructive and ass-backward tribalism.

Yes, I know. Again, this isn't the point here. The point is that pandering to our differences whilst ignoring our commonalities leads to destructive and ass-backward tribalism which divides and demeans us.
What constitutes pandering? Who is pandering? Who is ignoring our commonalities? Acknowledging different lived experience, acknowging inequalty does neither of those things.

What? Nobody said any of that. Bernier didn't and neither did I, so why bring this up?
The attitude you describe is one displayed by ignorant fools. I don't think either me nor Bernier are ignorant fools.

There is an awful lot of overlap between people who say what Bernier said and advocate for white nationalism. So forgive me. It just sounds ridiculous to decry more "diversity" when "diversity" continues to add to what is Canadian culture.

This part is a good question. I think Bernier is bored. This came out of nowhere for no discernible reason.
That being said, your assumption is a baseless accusation. I don't see why that would be the case. If you'd care to ascribe my agreement with the gist of his message to that particular attitude then I don't mind laughing at you. Surely you don't think I am somehow insecure in my being and afraid of "the other" (whatever the hell "the other" is supposed to be in my case).
Yeah, lets hope it was all innocent. Laugh all you want. So-called "white anxiety" is something felt by many people. It can be benign and natural to feel concerned about a changing society and what it means for one's place in it. You may not feel it and that's fine. But those that do spread ideas that match Bernier's. That more deversity is something to be concerned about, racism and prejudice are only in the past, everyone is treated equally so racism and prejudice no longer exist, fearmongering about "non-Western values", etc. That's not dangerous in and of itself, but it can fuel hate and violence.
The CPC did a great job of engaging minorities and immigrants in 2011, only to go all dog whistle in 2015. Now they just act openly racist.
What constitutes pandering? Who is pandering? Who is ignoring our commonalities? Acknowledging different lived experience, acknowledging inequality does neither of those things.

First, can we please not use the term "lived experience"? It's a ridiculous redundancy. Experience is lived by definition. The term doesn't mean anything special. 'Experience' is fine.

Pandering to our differences, for example, is people who overuse labels to differentiate themselves in a nauseating swamp of self-importance. I'd say university campuses are rife with this sort of behaviour, for example. No one's more special nor more unique than everyone else, settle down folks.

I agree that acknowledging different experiences and inequality isn't pandering. As I said, that's a separate issue.

There is an awful lot of overlap between people who say what Bernier said and advocate for white nationalism. So forgive me. It just sounds ridiculous to decry more "diversity" when "diversity" continues to add to what is Canadian culture.
Yeah, the first part is true indeed, sadly. I'm pretty sure both me and Bernier acknowledge the diversity of Canada. That's what makes it Canada.

Yeah, lets hope it was all innocent. Laugh all you want.
I said I would laugh at you if you ascribed to me that particularly negative attitude. Which you wouldn't, no doubt, as I'm sure you're familiar with my general worldview, having read enough of my posts, I'm sure.

So-called "white anxiety" is something felt by many people.
I get this too, when my tan is uneven.

It can be benign and natural to feel concerned about a changing society and what it means for one's place in it. You may not feel it and that's fine.
You're right, I don't. I don't have a place in any society. I'm a rootless "citizen of nowhere". I have EU and Canadian citizenship. I'm one of those "globalist elites"...I mean, if a working class kid from Scarborough could be described as such in all seriousness. ahahahahaa

But those that do spread ideas that match Bernier's. That more deversity is something to be concerned about, racism and prejudice are only in the past, everyone is treated equally so racism and prejudice no longer exist, fearmongering about "non-Western values", etc. That's not dangerous in and of itself, but it can fuel hate and violence.

You're right, it can. So can tribalism. I mean, the attitude you describe is a symptom of the tribalism that I abhor. There isn't a good and a bad to it. It's all poor form.
The CPC did a great job of engaging minorities and immigrants in 2011, only to go all dog whistle in 2015. Now they just act openly racist.

They do?

Where? Show me what it is you speak of.

Like, this just sounds like alarmist bullshit, frankly.

What Bernier said wasn't racist. If that's racist then the word has clearly lost all meaning.
I can think of a short list. This has been building up for a while

-Kellie Leitch going full Trump with her leadership bid
-The CPC posting and deleting that racist meme about asylum seekers
-Maxime Bernier ranting about diversity
-Lynn Beyak and her nonsense
-Michelle Rempel's rants on Twitter
-Denise Batters ranting on Twitter

Just look at the overall tone of the CPC lately. Hamish Marshall run the show now and he worked for The Rebel. They don't understand why they lost last time and are doubling down on that rhetoric. It doesn't help that the base is crazy now. Look at the comments every time Scheer posts something about a group or religion other than white conservative Christians.
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Alright, neither Batters' or Bernier's messages are in the slightest racist.

Way to cheapen the meaning of the word.

I can't speak to the rest except Leitch but if you applied the same standard to the rest then they're obviously not racist either.

You must be joking.

This attitude is exactly what's wrong with society. Racism is a real phenomenon and people cheapen it's meaning with stupid alarmism like this.
I think the Trudeau Liberals dont understand what his father meant by multiculturalism.

It is a two way street where we accept the cultures of the world but also respect the culture and history of Canada.

I live in Brampton and think some of the proudest Canadians are indo Canadians but once you move from diversity to frankly ghettoization I am seeing that Brampton is now starting to have the same problems that we have back in India. The issue is that there are so many Indian people here, a lot of the new immigrants dont really have to adapt to Canadian culture and can continue to act like they are back in India.

I find when you have a diversity of people from around the world, that is when multiculturalism works best.
The CPC did a great job of engaging minorities and immigrants in 2011, only to go all dog whistle in 2015. Now they just act openly racist.

I would argue that they are still trying to get the vote of some minorities and immigrants, especially among established immigrants from East and South Asia. There's a lot of anger towards new immigrants, especially migrants, among some Chinese and South Asians, who "played by the rules" when they immigrated to Canada. There's a lot on animosity between certain groups as well. The Conservatives know this and are purposely driving wedges.
I would argue that they are still trying to get the vote of some minorities and immigrants, especially among established immigrants from East and South Asia. There's a lot of anger towards new immigrants, especially migrants, among some Chinese and South Asians, who "played by the rules" when they immigrated to Canada. There's a lot on animosity between certain groups as well. The Conservatives know this and are purposely driving wedges.

It's not even about playing by the rules - it's basically bringing some deep seated prejudices that are already existing and masquerading it as "fairness".

First, can we please not use the term "lived experience"? It's a ridiculous redundancy. Experience is lived by definition. The term doesn't mean anything special. 'Experience' is fine.

Pandering to our differences, for example, is people who overuse labels to differentiate themselves in a nauseating swamp of self-importance. I'd say university campuses are rife with this sort of behaviour, for example. No one's more special nor more unique than everyone else, settle down folks.
That's a pretty specific definition that is not detailed in Bernier's tweets. Plus he still fails to define what he means by "extreme/radical multiculturalism".

Yeah, the first part is true indeed, sadly. I'm pretty sure both me and Bernier acknowledge the diversity of Canada. That's what makes it Canada.
I'm sure you do as well. But him, not so much. He separates diversity from Canadian culture and wonders how it could add to it.

I said I would laugh at you if you ascribed to me that particularly negative attitude. Which you wouldn't, no doubt, as I'm sure you're familiar with my general worldview, having read enough of my posts, I'm sure.

I get this too, when my tan is uneven.

You're right, I don't. I don't have a place in any society. I'm a rootless "citizen of nowhere". I have EU and Canadian citizenship. I'm one of those "globalist elites"...I mean, if a working class kid from Scarborough could be described as such in all seriousness. ahahahahaa
Sorry, I can't make sense of this.

You're right, it can. So can tribalism. I mean, the attitude you describe is a symptom of the tribalism that I abhor. There isn't a good and a bad to it. It's all poor form.
You don't see those views as tribal? I'd have to say, he's series of Tweets is poor form.
I like what Conrad Black said on Twitter: "The fact that anyone could find Bernier's remarks at all controversial is evidence of the poverty of the diversity of thought in the Canadian public square."
I like what Conrad Black said on Twitter: "The fact that anyone could find Bernier's remarks at all controversial is evidence of the poverty of the diversity of thought in the Canadian public square."

So sayeth a convicted criminal who'd give up his Canadian citizenship for the sake of a seat at the UK House of Lords.

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