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News   Oct 01, 2024
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News   Oct 01, 2024
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What's the future for the Conservative Party?

We might be going the way of the Red Tory. For years I pitied them for not having a party they could align with. Never did I think we would face the same predicament in a few short years.

Oh well, I am young at least. I can afford to be politically apathetic (hah, and to think I am a poli-sci grad...) for a decade and focus on personal life-goals until this all blows over. All I can really afford to care about is that somehow the Relief Line gets shovels in the grounds at some point. :p

Lucky you....I'm already stuck on politically jaded. (Also went to school for poli sci)

Also, I'm telling you: the Green Party is made for true liberals (and also farmers, entrepreneurs, and hippies)
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My own posts never mentioned "racism". I provided quotes from others, so please stop with the drama queen theatrics...

What is in the air today? I reacted w/no drama-queen nonsense, and that is again name-calling.

Its going around like a bad virus.

You can't expect to name-call and insult and then not get it thrown back at you.

I didn't say you said racist. I was addressing your critique, that I or others called the tweet inoffensive.

That's all.

Please stop this juvenile behavior, between you and Avenue discourse is circling the bowl here.
My own posts never mentioned "racist" or "racism". I didn't quote anyone else. Not sure why the over-the-top defensiveness. I provided quotes from others, so please stop with the drama queen theatrics...

You did, correct. You also asked a question and I answered it.
Oh man, I don't even think I should bring this up here, but bun it:

Jordan Peterson says that anything worth talking about will inevitably leave someone offended. If you're not getting offended then you're not talking about anything of substance.

This, of course, means that if Bernier says something that someone if offended by it's not because his opinion has no merit, but precisely because it does!

It can be refuted and argued, if need be, but it isn't necessarily invalid because someone is offended (cry. river. no one cares).
Libearls are taking what Bernier said because they want to make the election between racists and non-racists because on symbolic points, the liberals do the best then actual policy.

just get rather annoyed that Justin Trudeau and his fans think they are the only ones who represent true Canadian values or logic and sense.
Notwithstanding the danger of broaching Bernier once more, Neil Macdonald over at CBC has written a piece on this that I think is simply excellent and reflects my views well.

Maxime Bernier is challenging orthodoxy. He deserves a civil reply: Neil Macdonald
Notwithstanding the danger of broaching Bernier once more, Neil Macdonald over at CBC has written a piece on this that I think is simply excellent and reflects my views well.

Maxime Bernier is challenging orthodoxy. He deserves a civil reply: Neil Macdonald

I read this at breakfast today and wanted to buy Mr MacDonald a damn fine dinner for putting this out there.
I couldn't have said any better what he said in that piece.

Big up yo chest!
Bernier took another shot at Scheer today. He would probably be better off as an independent MP. Also, the CPC banned The Rebel from their convention, which is surprising.

Maybe I am wrong, but Bernier might actually want Scheer to lose an election. That way, he steps down as leader and they can pick a new one.
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Maybe I am wrong, but Bernier might actually want Scheer to lose an election. That way, he steps down as leader and they can pick a new one.

Yeah, someone proper, like Michael Chong!

I agree, he definitely wants Scheer to lose the election.

I avoid using profanity, but this is tempting me. The CPC ran robocalls going after my MP when she was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, she is cancer free now, but this is a new low. Arnold Chan was my parents MP and he died of cancer.

That is a well and truly class-less gesture. Wow!

Don't get me wrong, at a practical level, at an executive meeting for the area, its not unreasonable to reluctantly, raise the issue of the sitting member's health and the party's state of readiness.

But to send out a mass-message, in the form for a robocall not only lacks class, it suggests no one at the local level has ever heard of the word 'optics'.

I got nothin else. *shakes head*
