There seems to be way too much track to double-track in any reasonable budget too. Wasn't this the problem with the ... was it 1983/4 VIA proposal?
I seem to recall one of the 80s pitches being a single track HSR line, for the very reason of cost, yes.
VIA's proposal from all accounts is to retain single track. That's not fatal by itself - VIA's current operation Brockville- Ottawa demonstrates that much can be done with only one fast track, but at a penalty in terms of velocity.
The GO study (west of Peterboro) found IIRC four places where the line needed new construction to ease the curves sufficiently to meet an 80 mph standard. The curves east of Havelock are even more daunting and simply may not be adjustable within VIA's budget. No amount of tilt is going to change that.
The inherent contradiction of (modest spend + keep existing curves + single track) + (improve trip times) still isn't working for me. The first term and the second term of the equation are opposed to each other.
- Paul