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TTC: Other Items (catch all)

67% of readers on responded that they want this officer charged.

I am surprised it only coming out now when it happen in Jan.

I heard about the incident on Reddit back in January, but there weren't any video at the time. There were videos posted on Facebook, but not many people would have seen them. It wasn't until it was shared on Reddit that the media took note.

From what I have seen on the video, this TEO needs to be charge and dismiss by TTC ASP.

Dismissal is the least that needs to happen. Judging from the social media reaction the public has lost a lot of faith in TEOs because of this incident. This couldn't come at a worse time for the TTC. It's been just months since the TEO role was created, the TPS restored the TTC's special constable status, and the TTC announced that they plan to TEOs and special constables them. Byford is going to need to work to restore faith in the unit.

Time TTC have real cops than these so call TEO's. Other system do.

The problem is that TPS would place fare evasion calls very low on the priority list. The TTC wanted this force to enforce fairs, since TPS cannot.
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Caught 5361 heading Eastbound at Bloor Station on the BD line out of service with no test items on it.

Couldn't get the camera out of the case in time to get a shot of it.
I remember seeing something like that at Union once.. Some homeless looking guy sitting on the stairs in front Cinnabon with cops and EMS around him and a trail of blood running from the subway, and some poor janitor trying to mop it up.
Just read Worms' article. The story the two are going with is that they did nothing wrong, and the enforcement was looking for someone to pick on. The younger one got a concussion from the incident too. The TTC says that CCTV cameras show they started it.

Worms does have this line in there though:

Now that we have met Jamie, it's kind of difficult to sign on to any narrative suggesting that he and his father are trouble makers.

This from the same guy who continues to defend Rob Ford and his antics.
I heard about the incident on Reddit back in January, but there weren't any video at the time. There were videos posted on Facebook, but not many people would have seen them. It wasn't until it was shared on Reddit that the media took note.

I have noticed the cries of "G20!" have gotten real quiet now that the fuller unaltered version of events is out there. For those keeping score, before: 3 plus pages and after: 1 pages. That's the problem with the bleeding heart-centric worldview and trial by Twitter.

Was he a great kid too? Was he planning on going into community work? Sometimes these punks are exactly who we thought they were.

I suppose if some drunk punks were to attempt to grab your gun you would just let them take it, collect their happy meal, and let them be on their merry way.

These punks should be thankful Commissioner Blair is on his victory lap and far too occupied to be directing his Hand to flex his muscle in this, or else these two would have left the better way in a body bag.

Dismissal is the least that needs to happen. Judging from the social media reaction the public has lost a lot of faith in TEOs because of this incident. This couldn't come at a worse time for the TTC. It's been just months since the TEO role was created, the TPS restored the TTC's special constable status, and the TTC announced that they plan to TEOs and special constables them. Byford is going to need to work to restore faith in the unit.

Are you perfect? What about the boy? Does the boy who assaulted the peace officer get fired from his job too? Does his school expel him for conduct detrimental to the institution? Does the father suffer any consequences in your world? Or has he and his boy been punished enough? These angels are so innocent they apparently lawyered up months ago.
No, I don't expect the boy's conduct to be perfect. He's not an officer.

If you sign up to be a police officer, you had better be perfect. You're expected to conduct yourself in a manner that's above the typical person.

The second TEO lost his temper and attacked the man out of rage. This is unacceptable. A person with such poor control of his temper has no business being in a law enforcement role; a role that requires a level head in stressful circumstances. He needs to be fired and charged ASAP.

Furthermore, from what I've been reading from those in law enforcement, the conduct of both officers was abhorrent. TEOs are supposed to be trained to deal with these situations in a professional and controlled manner, but instead these officers were brawling with the men like it was a street fight. This is a complete failure of their training.

I'd like to know what training the TTC gives its officers. Byford has mentioned that they get something like 60 hours of training, but it's not known how that training compares to the quality of police training. Perhaps a retraining program for TEOs is called for.
I have noticed the cries of "G20!" have gotten real quiet now that the fuller unaltered version of events is out there. For those keeping score, before: 3 plus pages and after: 1 pages. That's the problem with the bleeding heart-centric worldview and trial by Twitter.

There is no evidence thay any video was altered. For all we know, the person who recorded the video wasn't redording at the beginning of the incident.

But whether or not the video was altered is irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact that we have a TEO punching a man in the face repeatedly.

By the way, that video was available since minutes after the video was shared on Reddit. Perhaps the reason it's quieter is because it isn't breaking news anymore.
