The tracker shows only 11 cars, with 2 (4216 & 4229) on 501 at this time. One 4212 is at Hillcrest last seen 16 days ago, one 4243 at Roncy, one 4217 at the Barns that was last seen 17 days ago and the rest at Russell last seen a few seconds ago.Are the ALRV'S being retired ? There were only 2 in service when I last checked, both on 501 Queen.
At the rate they are dieing, will be gone before the year is out.
I have heard there is a charter tour schedule for Aug, but no info on it.
As a note, 4483 is a dot operating on 510 and confirm it went into service yesterday.
4485 is in the lake and no confirm info if it is in service yet.
4486 in the service bay along with 4488. 4487 out in Long Branch doing testing. Nothing for 4489 at this time.
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