Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Nah he's too busy dealing w/ the teeth rotting out of his face while worrying about his failing Hamilton projects. Harry Stinson; yet another Hamilton Land-Speculator!
Stinson School Lofts - Stagnant despite 'strong sales'
Hamilton Grand Hotel & Residences - still an empty lot
Royal Connaught Hotel - Could not raise financing (although still up for sale for a cool $9 Mil.)

He's probably just busy macking his groupies. The temptations that come with being a condo developer are difficult to resist.

No doubt you'll get your fill Gabe.

Photo taken May 4/11

Photo taken May 4/11


I'm completely blown away by that pic RedMars! ^^^
the colours really pop, trump is great contrast here (especially from the shiny blue glass wall on the north side of adelaide! cough cough shangri-la!... but it's fine cause it's amazing). the cladding has made some progress and the tower itself needs 1 MORE FLOOR till it at least looks tied with bay adelaide!... yes, now, just seeing how tall this thing is, makes sense that there are only about 8 more floors to floor, plus that HUGE spire/onion dome.
anticipation is high... i am high.
seriously nice pic! boy was the weather amazing today. crystal clear skies, awesome sunshine!
that shot reminds me how long it's been since i've been down to the site! last time i went to get photographs, i froze my fingers!
trump tower's looking great. i'm digging the textured look of the green glass, it's refreshing from the standard flat curtainwall that can be found in towers like four seasons, shangri-la, and even bay adelaide next door.
and funny, looking at that photo, the top of trump lines up PERFECTLY with bay adelaide in perspective! not to mention, you can't really even see the crane's base anymore which is weird.
nice wopchop!
Yeah, I believe the crane is jumping up either today or tomorrow. I can't recall.

nice... and dare i say, when this thing is maxed out in height, probably the crane (or whatever crane they switch over to) will be taller than scotia plaza, which will be crazy to see on the skyline and even ever!
nice... and dare i say, when this thing is maxed out in height, probably the crane (or whatever crane they switch over to) will be taller than scotia plaza, which will be crazy to see on the skyline and even ever!

Steveve lets forget about all that, how about when this elegant looking skyscraper with its dome and spire is all finished lit up and blinking in our skyline.:cool:
Why is it this building will take nearly 5 years to complete, when the empire state which is twice the size only took a year to complete 80 years ago!
because the Empire State involved 3400 workers... and it is a steel frame construction which is a lot faster to build than the reinforced concrete we have here. but you are right - that is quite an impressive feat!
