Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

I like CDN better :)

CAD is the ISO-4217 currency code. CAN and CA are the valid ISO-3166 country codes. CDN is a licence plate code (like the ones you see on oval stickers in europe) which actually stood for "Canadian DominioN" when it was introduced in 1956.

Of course this isn't really Trump Tower Toronto related trivia but basically the Trump ad did get it correct (although usually adding CAD to the end should be combined with a removal of the "$" at the front because it is redundant).
Re: Trump

According to TurmpToronto in ssc there will be annoncument soon
as in the one that's coming in the second week of december when it seems like a ridiculous time to announce anything, or something else?
Re: Re: Trump

The project we all doubt is about to begin. When its under construction what will we have to talk about.
Re: Re: Trump

All the usual things: how long it's taking, how it's not exactly like the rendering, how we don't like the colour of the glass, how there's no street level retail, how it's the worst thing that's ever happened to the city.
Re: Re: Trump

Whether Apprentice #15 is really in charge of constructing TTT.
Is Ivanka *that* hot...

Re: Re: Trump

If this ridiculous building is informed by anyone, it is by Dick Calkins - illustrator of the original Buck Rogers comic books.
Re: Re: Trump

hmmm I can't decide which announcement I'm looking forward to most- Harry's on November 27 or Trump's on Dec 16. It will be great to see something kick-ass go up for a change. I'm getting bored of these gutless Toronto style boxes. TO needs more buck rogers and less dudley doright :smokin
"Is Ivanka *that* hot"

If she's great in bed ... does it really matter?
Trump's credibility wrt to this project is approaching Harry's levels.
