Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Behold! Le pig de resistance!

It's just a little dirty, It's still good! It's still good!

It's just a little wet! It's still good! It's still good!

It's just a little airborne! It's still good! It's still good!

- It's gone.

I know.

You know what Toronto, I'm going to build the Trump Tower.... When pigs fly! Ha ha!

- Still going to built that tower?

I want to jump for joy- but somethow I'm not too excited about this announcement. Maybe when I see a crane I'll perk up.
it's been said before but, this project is unlike anything else we've ever had here before. very, very big. hence, very, very long time to put it together. I, for one, have faith that this is it. the pigs will fly. they're getting suited up as we speak with goggles and bomber jackets. (or is that trump himself getting on his private jet?) couldn't resist.
Good for Trump. I have faith this one will rise in Spring/Summer.
Isn't the whole point of this phantom project to keep Donald Trump's name in the news without the inconvenience of actually having to build anything?
70 percent of the units sold

what exactly does that mean?

when you have an unsold penthouse equal in price to 30 hotel units and it has been reported before that the cheaper suites have been the most popular

70% of the units sold could easily equate to 40% of the expected total revenue and this article is nothing more than to stir up new attention

Yeah thats a good point. But its also a high end Hotel too. So they dont really need to sell all the units. But 60% sold is the mark the bean counters use before they give you financing for constuction. The last article I read had total real estate sales at trump toronto at 250 million to 300 million so thats defienlty in the value range of 60% of the total cost which I believe is around 500 million.

Hey at least they didnt say they were cancelling the project as many here had predicted.
Didn't we hear construction news before in the past? Cos I recall 2009 being the target for the finish date. I know more than likely thats when it'll start but I'm not jumping yet until I see it actually go under construction.
70 percent of the units sold

what exactly does that mean?

when you have an unsold penthouse equal in price to 30 hotel units and it has been reported before that the cheaper suites have been the most popular

70% of the units sold could easily equate to 40% of the expected total revenue and this article is nothing more than to stir up new attention
It's gonna suck working in Scotia Tower for the next few years. With Bay-Adelaide rising to the North, and Trump next door, they're gonna have to put up with lots of noise, dust, and the eventual loss of views.
I hope this silly looking building will never get cancelled - just never built.
You think it looks silly. I find it looks quite refined.

Very elegant building. I think its actually a shame, it will hardly be visible in most skyline shots.
I agree - with its narrow profile and wonderful height, this could be a place to put a truly elegant and interesting building - but TTT ain't it. It's surprisingly thick-fingered and ordinaire, as far as the rendering goes - and then there's the problem of that odd Trump TajMahal thingiedoodle on the top.
If we are actually going to get a Trump building, I'd rather have Chicago's.
Hmmmm ... A thick-fingered and ordinaire building, brought to you by a short-fingered vulgarian.

Thus are new marketing ploys born.
