Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

I hate this project. I could care less if it goes ahead or not. Its more entertaining that Trump's name is not as good as he thought. Definately looking forward to Shangri-la, Four Seasons, and Ritz over this one.
The deal is dead. The developer abandoned ship long ago. He's just trying to save face now but unloading it to a local developer who can try and salvage the dynamite zoning for the property. Someone with real development experience will pick it up for the right price and make the site work. DT's glitzy concept would never fly in this banal town.
Banal town? DT is pure cheese, and many people know it. If Ritz can work, why not this?
To paraphrase Malcolm Muggeridge, it is not ordinary people who find Toronto dowdy, frumpish and banal. It is snobs.
Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

I haven't heard a peep about shangri-la recently, either.
Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

What in fact is Trump's current connection with this project? I don't even know anymore.
I think he is really just lending his name to the project, but is not heavily involved from a marketing or financing perspective. I think there was a recent ad for some Trump properties already developed, under construction or in the pipeline and the Toronto building, if I recall correctly, was not even featured.
Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

there was a two page full colour ad in post homes magazine on friday so no its not dead
Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

Trump has never really been heavily involved with this project. He's pretty much just lending his name to it.
Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

Kids are busy running about at SSC that a construction date will be announced Dec 16 for this project. My guess is that it will but the date will be for 2008.
Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

Not to be a pessimist but...

This makes no sense at all.

1. Nobody makes an announcement on a Saturday.
2. One of the benefits of announcing the start of construction is that you get a pop in sales. People get excited that the project is for real and have a better idea of timelines. If they were holding off they would now buy. But, the last two weeks of December are the SLOWEST time for real estate. Nobody makes a purchase because they are too concerned about the looming holidays or heading out on vacation. If they do announce then, they have to be using the stupidist marketing firm around.
3. Would Donald want to come here in December? He should be hibernating down south or something by then. They could just play a taped message though "I would love to be there but am busy working on my project in bla bla bla. Good luck Toronto... bla bla bla"

Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

Agreed. Would be a strange time to do this.

A Post Homes "advetorial" claims that sales have hit the $230 million mark and pre-construction pricing would end soon.

My guess is that if there is an announcement on Dec 16 that it would be related to a new release of suites or perhaps an increase in pricing (Trump Chicago increased prices a few times prior to construction). Maybe some kind of milestone... if they are at about $230 million in sales maybe it'll be a splashy $250 million in sales announcement to generate a bit of press.

Mid-December is an odd time to try to generate hype for real estate.
Re: Yeah, Still Alive!

Though every day is a good day to generate hype for Donald Trump, building or no building.
