Toronto Spire Condos | 144.77m | 45s | Context Development | a—A

I live in the building and can tell you that they are still cleaning up. Apparently a number of people had to spend Sunday night in a hotel. At one point we were not even able to leave the building. Not good.
As far as I know if you are in a public space you can photograph anything at anytime for any reason, unless of course there's some kind of specific government legislation that has been passed for that particular structure. Certainly a security guard for a private condo has no right telling you what you can photograph. Indeed you have every right to snap away photographs of his angry mug if you felt like it. That framed with the 'peeing condo' in the backdrop might make for an interesing pic :D

This is US but I'm sure the same applies in Canada:
We should all make a point of getting down there at some point this weekend to snap a ton of pictures. It might really freak this guard out. Or a group of us could set up tri-pods across the street and just hang out for an hour or so.
It may just have been because the water was pouring out that they didn't want photos...

...but yeah, when I'm in the neighbourhood, I'll definitely stop by to take pics.

We should all make a point of getting down there at some point this weekend to snap a ton of pictures. It might really freak this guard out. Or a group of us could set up tri-pods across the street and just hang out for an hour or so.

I guess I should draw my blinds at that time?
I just walked past the building for the first time in a while. I hope that the cinderbock at ground level is going to be covered somehow. It's mightly ugly and cheap looking. And as has been said before, the lack of trees out front, considering the wide sidewalk, is disappointing.
I do find Spire a little overexposed as residential high-rises go; that is, all those glass balconies render whatever sits on the balconies not only unsightly but visually treacherous--that is, in windy/nasty weather, I'm biting my nails hoping a folding chair doesn't rattle and fly off and smash my widdow head...
Looks great from a distance.

Park underway.


Parking entrance.

Lombard St entrance

Just when I thought they couldn't mess up the base any further. Rather than cladding this wall they are painting it. I assume they will do the same on the Lombard wall.

Extra wide sidewalk. Couldn't they have added some trees or something?

First retailer. A bakery cafe.

I'm surprised you didn't get harassed by the security guard for taking photos of the building like I did!
HOT! I love it my fave new condo in Toronto!

But what's the plumbing like? Maybe the striking workers were ticked about parking their $60,000 trucks in $30 lots while the building was under construction so purposely cheaped out on the plumbing? It's true apprentices make very little but I know a plumber (in vancouver, 27 years old) making $140,000. Drives a freaking BMW suv and never pays a penny for parking (parks underground in buildings under construction.)

Residents here: what's your honest opinion on the quality of the building, the noise levels in the area, the management company, etc? PM me if you wish: i know someone who is interested in buying a unit there (resale.)
So is that Povh Pawh's Bakery/Cafe? Or Porh Pawh's? Those are 'h's, not 'l's, right?

When it's not a familiar name, I think it's important to select clear lettering. Word of mouth is essential for businesses like this, and people will need to be sure of how to pronounce the name.

I've assumed it to be Porh Pawh's. I've never heard of the chain before. If I have to, I'll refer to it as that coffee place at Church and Adelaide.

There was a story on the news last week about "why so many Starbucks so close together" and apparently the nice people at Starbucks have discovered that people don't really much care where they buy their rancid coffee, they only care that its close by. So maybe the name doesn't matter so much.
