Toronto Spire Condos | 144.77m | 45s | Context Development | a—A

Re: My View

Nice! I'll be able to wave at you from my deck when you're on your balcony. What floor?

it's a friend's place. i believe it's somewhere between the 12th and 15th floor. i have not been there yet.
Re: My View

Does anyone have a nice clean shot of Spire showing it from base (or near base) to top without any cranes/construction material on it?
Re: My View

I did about eight clean shots and have posted to TOBuilt - not so easy to get unobstructed from tip to tail though. Feel free to use one if it suits.
Re: My View

I'm just catching up on the cityscape. Did they have to knock-down those historic looking admin buildings near the Cathedral? What had to move to build Spire?
Re: My View

^ Nothing. Look at the first two pictures I posted above.
Re: My View


Nope, they didn't have to knock down the parish house - Spire was built atop a parking lot owned by the church, using density rights from the St. James Cathedral site. The income from the density transfer is supposed to pay for the parish house to be restored, but I am not sure what the status of that project is.

Re: My View

Nope, they didn't have to knock down the parish house - Spire was built atop a parking lot owned by the church, using density rights from the St. James Cathedral site. The income from the density transfer is supposed to pay for the parish house to be restored, but I am not sure what the status of that project is.
Excellent. As an Anglican I like the way the church grounds are being preserved why helping to bring a IMO attractive building to the city.
Re: My View

Nice pic found on flickr:

I went to Spire last Sunday and took a picture upwards from the base. What happened next was really strange - the security guard came out and told me that "it's not allowed to take photos". Completely baffled, I asked him why not, and in his thick accent he grumpily grunted "Cuz not". He didn't make me delete the picture I had taken though - maybe he thought I hadn't taken one yet. Anyone have any idea what that was all about?

It was also strange that there was water pouring down the side of the building onto the sidewalk, but I couldn't determine the origin.
The security guard was embarassed about the building taking a leak in public.
No law

Ignore the security guard and take your photo. If he is aggressive, ask him what statute allows him to forbid you to take a photo while you are standing on public land. Use the word "statute".

If he seems even half way reasonable, tell him that you intend to walk half a block away and take a photo, and ask him what he can do about that.

I get this all the time. To me, it seems a classic case of making your own life difficult, because how can you possibly control who takes a photo of the outside of a building? Not possible, so don't worry about it.
