Toronto Spire Condos | 144.77m | 45s | Context Development | a—A

Re: My View

42: Bastards at the OFB don't care a whit for local governance. Once, I tried to make a miketoronto joke, and the whole thread got tied up in appeals for months. Though it went through in the end, of course. They always side with the developer.
Re: My View

Of course, there was that case where the OFB dealt quite a decisive blow to a certain suburban Markham thread where the developer defamed those he disagreed with. Sure some of the OFB's decisions seem a bit hasty, but other times I'm glad we have them...

mollified 42
Re: My View

So do we have some way of officially finishing an official thread once a building's finished, and starts to blend back into the city? A thread topping-out ceremony?

How about a trip down memory lane? Sniff sniff our baby is all grown up and ready to leave home.

September 5, 2004


November 4, 2004

April 16, 2005

July 28, 2005

October 23, 2005

December 7, 2005

February 26, 2006


July 15, 2006


February 20, 2007



That's all she wrote.
Re: My View

nice time-lapse photojournal, Ed! the lobby looks impressive..
Re: My View

Thanks, Ed. Exactly the closure we needed.
Re: My View

No. Now we need some shots from inside and views from the building. RJR or someone else needs to step up :)
Re: My View

Ed, too wonderful. We don't deserve you.

I think those photos to some extent explain my fascination for tall buildings - one year there is just a parking lot and air, and then a building arises. Now people are living and watching TV in spaces that were air above a parking lot not that long ago. I can never quite get over that.
Re: My View

All joking aside, thanks Ed. It really is nice to have a sense of completion on these projects that we watch so closely for so long.

We moved into Spire a couple of weeks ago and we're very pleased with the suite. The building itself is still very much under construction but is beginning to take shape quite nicely. I must say that I was a bit surprised to take occupany with so much construction still going on everywhere, but that's the way it is I guess.

The lobby is coming along but unfortunately the gym is not open, which means cold runs in the morning outside. I'll try to take some pics and post.

One thing I noticed yesterday (Friday) was that the building has a lot of "run-off" after a storm. Along Church St especially it was like a micro-climate, with what seemed like an intense rain storm along the sidewalk, and sunshine all around!
Re: My View

Thanks for the pics Ed

It really doesn't look anything like the renderings depicted. I half expected white stripes or something. Goes to show you a rendering doesn't indicate 100% what the project will look like (which in some cases is a good thing).
Re: My View

I half expected white stripes or something.
Well, who knows, you might run into them right at the corner of Adelaide + Church
Re: My View

Nice! I'll be able to wave at you from my deck when you're on your balcony. What floor?
Re: Spire

Personally, I really think Spire has made a great addition to the city. Yesterday's pic from DDOI:

