Toronto Spire Condos | 144.77m | 45s | Context Development | a—A

Re: Spire

Wow. 12 mushrooms. I guess we be talking about 1812 Overture country here
Re: N/W Corner?

That never, ever works with real bells. You have to get all Mike Oldham and bring out the tubular bells to get it right.
My View

"Will you overlook the park and the cathederal?"

Due north and due east...a very urban view uptown and a somewhat bucolic greenish view east to the park.
Re: Spire

You'll be able to look down on andreapalladio.
Re: Spire

I looked up to you at the working rehearsal of Faust.
Re: Spire

Certainly looks slick in today's pic... especially compared to 1KW.
Re: My View

First signs of life tonight. On the 9th floor a tv was on and on the 11th a couple were on their balcony. A nice add to the neighbourhood.
Re: Spire

So do we have some way of officially finishing an official thread once a building's finished, and starts to blend back into the city? A thread topping-out ceremony?
Re: My View

There's so much paperwork involved SNF, a thread-topping-off is just not advisable. All the mods have to meet to sign off, along with 2 senior forum members as witnesses, a notary public to put the forum's seal on it, then cabinet gives it the once over, and then finally there's the filing charge at the City Clerk's office. It can always be challenged at the OFB too. It's a nightmare really. Best just to let the thread fade away on it's own...

