Toronto Spire Condos | 144.77m | 45s | Context Development | a—A

Re: spire

The ground level is definately ugly. Too bad. I like the tower though.
Re: spire

Model in the sales centre clearly shows trees along Church. Odd.
Re: spire

the base is really blah..too bad...I like the tower though but haven't yet seen how the top works out
Re: spire

They have already put in the interlocking stone and have left no rooms for trees. Would be weird for them to come back and rip it out in the spring. Meanwhile on the Lombard side space has been left along the sidewalk for trees. I'm going to email Pam McConnell's office.
Re: spire

Is the Church sidewalk too thin for trees? And are trees being planted out front?
Re: spire

Ed I contacted Joe Pantalone about the lack of trees along my section of College, his office replied and had this to say.

Regarding trees on College Street west of Ossington, we will pursue the matter with Forestry staff. Typically trees are planted along with new sidewalk construction barring any opposition from local businesses or physical barriers such as underground utilities.

Perhaps the Trees will come in the spring guys.
Re: spire

The Church and Adelaide sidewalks surrounding the tower portion are actually doublewide. The Church sidewalk along the lowerise portion is normal width.
Re: spire

Go for it Ed, I’ve been nothing but impressed with how accessible our city council is. There must be a legit reason why trees won’t be put in, the cost saving is negligible for Context not doing so.
Re: spire

I don't quite understand the upset about there not being trees along the base of this building. The tower meets the narrow corner sidewalk in a sheer and sharp manner here, that works well aesthetically and urbanistically. Huge mature trees wouldn't fit, and I'm glad there's no sealed-in-concrete stick-like "city trees" as a sad mollifying gesture.
I'm not fond of the north end, but I don't imagine any amount of vines could rescue it, anyhoo.
Re: spire

Planting mature trees is just unreasonable. The City's trees may be somewhat small and barren to start off but that's a small visual price to pay to have nice trees lining that part of the street someday in the future. You need to go through A to reach B - one can't just jump to B.
tree deal

I wonder if they made a deal with the city, they they put in the park on Lombard, and then they dont' have to put trees on Church and Adelaide.

As for meeting the street, I agree somewhat. There are some weird spots, like that big blank wall of cinder block on the SW corner. And that exhaust vent is a mystery.

But one place the definitely suceeded is not starting the balconies until floor five. I think it really adds to the effect and makes the building have a "less squat" appearance at street level.
Re: spire

Although I do not like the base of Spire, it is a good point that puny trees along narrow streets will not likely fare well or help improve the view. Maybe the city should concentrate more on creating avenues or 'islands' of treets, like on Yonge in front of College Park...provided they're well maintained of course, otherwise what's the point?
Re: tree deal

After being down there on Sunday and seeing for myself, I do deem that Context and the city intend on planting trees on the Church side and Lombard side of Spire. The reason I’ve come to that conclusion is that if you look at the sidewalk on the east side of Church Street it’s the same concrete and masonry found on Spire’s side. I’m confident come spring they’ll be planting trees. It won’t take much to eliminate the necessary amount of bricks ad the trees and inserts that surround them. I just don’t consider planting trees this late in the fall is feasible.
Re: spire

No no and no. On Lombard they left empty spaces for trees. The concrete was poured to allow holes 2' by 4' for the trees. And they didn't pour concrete under where the trees will go so the roots can grow down. On Church and Adelaide they didn't do this. The paving stones are sitting on concrete. Unless they intend to rip it all out there will be no trees. And I can't see why they would have put concrete under the paving stones if they intended to come back next year to put in the trees. They just would have left a hole for the trees as they did on Lombard.
