Toronto Panda Condominiums | 107.59m | 30s | Lifetime | Turner Fleischer

I remember being a small child and having my dad drag me through this store every week (then Sam's right after). I used to hate it, but in retrospect I realize that it was some pretty good parenting.

I have always been a research junkie - and back pre-internet when I couldn't find what I needed at the reference library I'd go hit worlds biggest. I'm gonna miss that place.
I agree with most of the reasoned commentary here. The WBB was a landmark store, but the building itself is horrendous and I won't miss seeing it go.

I'd really like to see all of Edward street spruced up, eventually. The parking lot across from the bus terminal has remarkable staying power but maybe that's's across from a bus terminal. The bus terminal should also go. Even though it serves a valuable purpose and generates a certain amount of pedestrian vibrancy, all those buses belching out diesel fumes and waiting taxis makes the area unpleasant and dirty. When I look at the bus terminal, I become a little more sympathetic of the job that urban planners had in the 1950s, chasing the grimy, dirty element out of downtown, even if that meant destroying vibrancy and great neighbourhoods.
The bus terminal will probably be redeveloped once the rumoured new one is built at 45 bay. Its way better to have the regional bus terminal there anyway, they would direct access to the Gardiner and be closer to GO.
Helicopter flight path or not, pray they don't plan some gaudy monstrosity. I suppose a tall tower is inevitable, the land is simply too valuable, just have this bad feeling of seeing a 50 storey cheap looking glass box, then again, the new owners other sites aren't too bad, who knows. As for when it was a bowling alley, we use to bowl there when I was a kid, yeah, I'm just that old, and damn was it ugly as a bowling alley, and as a book store, but many of you are right, many good memories. Quick personal story. Being a gay kid in Scarborough back in the 70's/80's, I had no resources on the topic, and was terrified to even ask about it. Pre-web, our only outlet was the local variety store porno mags, that I would nervously pay for while telling the store clerk they were for my "girlfriend". Then, when WBB opened in the early 80's, I saw a newspaper add for books on "human sexuality". Desperate for answers, I skipped school, and took the bus, another bus, and the subway to get there. I walked in, terrified someone might see me (back then, the word "fag" was indeed something you could see printed in the newspaper), and was greeted by an employee who could see right through me (must have noticed I was sweating like a pig, and really nervous). He asked me if I was interested in the books advertised in the paper (subtle way of asking if I wanted the gay books). He directed me to the back of the store and left me to browse through the shelves. There, right I front of me, were dozens of books, all dedicated to self help for dealing with sexuality. I was in paradise. Finally, I had the info I needed to know, that told me what I really was. I'll never forget the feeling of excitement, and relief. someone (the store clerk) knew I was gay, and didn't care. I realize this may not seem like a big deal to most, but to me, it was a pivotal moment in coming to terms with who and what I was. I'll never forget it, and despite it's tacky facade, I'll miss that building, and the memories it holds for me. (Sorry for going so off topic, wanted to convey how a structure can mean so much to some).:cool:
Easily the best bookstore in the city, never seen another one with that sort of selection and convenience/comfort. Hope there's another bookstore included in the redeveloped location.
As someone who will have physical books taken out of my cold, dead hands, it's sad to see the best bookstore in the city go. I don't understand why it doesn't seem as busy as other locations downtown. The book selection is second to none that I've seen. Granted, there's no Starbucks and it's a little grimy, but I've always considered bookstores to be about books. I wonder how long BMV will last?
I'm all for change but I do feel a little sad about this. First the record stores and now the bookstores. Inevitable given today's digital economy but still a shame. I spent a lot of time down there. And Bubble Tea isn't going to do it for me :)
At least Ben McNally, Book City and BMV are still around. Though I do miss Mirvish, Edwards Books and Art, the Book Cellar, Britnells, Lichtmans...all gone in the last 20 years.
^I miss those stores as well. I'm surprised that Ben McNally can survive on Bay Street, but I hope it can do so for as long as possible.

I love spending a few hours in WBB around the holiday season - looking for books to give as gifts, but more often than not, books for me. I'll be sad to see it go.
