Mississauga One Park Tower | ?m | 38s | Daniels | Kirkor

8 gargoyles added on to a building don't make it a bad design.

It's not like this is an outstanding building with gargoyles added.

I wouldn't even say the gargoyles are a bad design, because they look great on their own.

Yeah...on their own. But we're talking about the overall design.

You claimed that the pedestrian experience of MCC would not be enhanced basically because of these 8 gargoyles... now that is strange reasoning.

I never said that.

What I said is that the argument that it looks fine from afar doesn't really hold up if this is expected to be an area with pedestrian traffic. Why? Because the people will be able to see it up close. I didn't say pedestrians would have a bad experience because of the gargoyles, but that they'd certainly be able to see the bad design up close.

You could design almost anything and then use the argument it looks okay from far away, therefore it's fine. Why not go even further - most people on the planet will never see it in person, therefore it must be good design, right?

The fact is, these ridiculous tacked on gargoyles that don't fit in with the building at all constitute bad design...it doesn't matter if you don't notice them from far away.
What - for more and bigger laughs? Sure, why not!

The next phase of Central Park... The Moscow:


Just imagine replacing the Lenin head with a Hazel head.
In the heart of Mississauga, Canada's safest and best-run city, Daniels is please to bring you the Ye Olde Condominium.

At Ye Olde Condominium your home is a castle. With architecture inspired by history, this design combines the security of the ancient castles of medieval England, the opulence of the country Chateaus of France, and the excitement of of 1920s New York Art Deco.

Ye Olde Condominium includes an unforgettable portcullis entranceway to the parking garage and a lobby featuring a drawbridge over a calming water feature. The exterior features gargoyles (a feature not seen on a new building for over 100 years!) and 1/64th size models of famous fortifications along the roofline (including The Tower of London and Paris's Bastille). People from all over the Greater Toronto Area will be sure to know "that condo in Mississauga with the gargoyles".

Along with standard top-notch condominium finishes, Ye Olde Condominium includes optional finishes such as a rough-hewn stone kitchen island, dust floors, straw mattresses, and no electricity.

Ye Olde Condominium also features a concierge service, available to serve your needs 24-hours a day, dressed as either Robin Hood or Maid Marian. "Ye Olde Fitness Centre" features a pool, sauna, and a wide selection of fitness equipment all in the architectural style of Roman Baths.

So for your next home, choose Daniels' Ye Olde Condominium. Serving all your modern needs and desires with none of that discomforting modernity.

People on UT just love to tear Mississauga apart and everything that is in it, but it gets boring so fast. And then when it gets boring and you think it's over, they continue to beat the dead horse.
Its not like we don't do this with many Toronto projects like the Daniels towers on Sheppard or almost anything to do with STC.

I have yet to see it with the magnitude that I've seen in Mississauga threads. Every single Mississauga thread ends up with "urbanites" trashing the thread.
The only other thread I've seen where people were doing this is the Trump thread.

People on UT just love to tear Mississauga apart and everything that is in it, but it gets boring so fast. And then when it gets boring and you think it's over, they continue to beat the dead horse.

Most all of us are critiquing the building, not Mississauga (and we do this to many, many Toronto buildings, if not the city itself, all the time). No offence, but I find Mississauga supporters to have the thinnest of skins.
I have yet to see it with the magnitude that I've seen in Mississauga threads. Every single Mississauga thread ends up with "urbanites" trashing the thread.
The only other thread I've seen where people were doing this is the Trump thread.

Look at the venom towards 1 St Thomas, Chedington Place, Metropolis or ROCP for example. A lot of projects get trashed. Why would One Park Tower be any different? It would get the same reception if located at Yonge and Bloor.
Dressed like robin and maid Marion- lol Well I didn't read this as a jab at Mississauga. Frankly it is a cheesy looking building. Mississauga has a few decent buildings going up, including Absolute which could potentially be among the most interesting and eyecatching in the GTA. One Park however is pretty dreadful..I mean it has gargoyles for goodness sake :rolleyes:
A lot of projects get trashed. Why would One Park Tower be any different?

Because the gargoyles are awesome.

It would get the same reception if located at Yonge and Bloor.

That's debatable...people would still think the gargoyles are silly but they'd be lauding the massing and the cladding and the density and the...
