Mississauga One Park Tower | ?m | 38s | Daniels | Kirkor

I think people here bash Mississauga too much, going off into tangents in the individual project threads about how much the city sucks.

One Park Tower is still garbage though.
It is true that Mississauga gets a fair amount of bashing on this forum (as I've contributed my fair share).

The thing is this: while it's great that there is an effort to build a downtown centre - complete with highrise towers - the street experience still leaves much to be desired. Yes, the buildings look urban and sidewalks and planters surrounding them are well-maintained and pretty, but a pedestrian can feel so disconnected. Things look good, but don't integrate well. There is just not much happening on the street level. In that sense, the downtown still echoes the sprawling suburbs surrounding it.

The highlights of Mississauga are places like Port Credit, which is much more pedestrian friendly, and much more lively. Had these qualities been reproduced more effectively in the city centre, it might not have felt so much like a vertical suburb.

And sorry for going off on a tangent, doady.
That's debatable...people would still think the gargoyles are silly but they'd be lauding the massing and the cladding and the density and the...

I don't know. One St Thomas got a lot of hell.
Yeah, if this silly tower went up at Yonge and Bloor, we'd be really dumping on it. Sorry to say, but I think that fact that it's at Square One is actually giving it a bit of a free ride. It's still an unfortunate lump, a big bump in the road on Mississauga's ride to respectability, but at Yonge and Bloor? The planning department and/or city councillors down there would never have let it happen.

I have yet to see it with the magnitude that I've seen in Mississauga threads. Every single Mississauga thread ends up with "urbanites" trashing the thread.
The only other thread I've seen where people were doing this is the Trump thread.

Are you kidding? Maybe you should check out the Pure/Clear Spirit Distillery thread (along with the others mentioned).

Toronto projects get it as bad and often worse than Mississauga projects do. For some reason, however, those from Mississauga take criticism of a project as criticism of the city.
Congrats to Andrew3D on making it into the Mississauga News today!

Gargoyles take their perch on city condo

Gargoyles have been added to the architecture of a new City Centre condo.

By: Joseph Chin

November 20, 2007 -
Gargoyles have taken up residence on One Park Tower — four on the eighth floor and four on the 29th floor of the new 38-storey building in the City’s centre.

Weighing 226 kilograms each, the winged lions have open mouths, muscular legs and chests and clawed feet.

Daniels Corp. senior vice-president Tom Dutton says he and his staff were trying to think of distinctive architectural features for the condo, which has a Gothic design, when he hit on the idea for the gargoyles.

“The architects got very excited,†Dutton recalled.

So, too, did purchasers: all the suites situated near the gargoyles sold out quickly, despite a $10,000 premium.

The gargoyles are clearly visible from all parts of City Centre. Sheryl Mounsey was walking her dog near the Living Arts Centre on the weekend when she looked up and did a double-take.

“Who would’ve thought we’d have gargoyles in Mississauga? I think they add a whimsical touch to the building,†said the Rathburn Rd. resident.

Already, condo watchers from across the GTA are weighing in with their opinions.

“They’re nice looking, though the finish on them makes them look like cheap plastic Halloween decorations,†said an Urban Toronto website visitor who goes by the online moniker, Andrew 3D.

“If Mississauga City Hall had gargoyles, I think it’d be my favourite building,†said another online visitor.

Gargoyles reached their peak of popularity in medieval times, when they were used as roof spouts. Later, they were believed to ward off evil spirits and were carved into grotesque human and animal figures.

As such adornments go, One Park Tower’s rather tame.

“We wanted the gargoyles to be edgy, but not too grotesque, so people wouldn’t be put off by them, as they are a little bit scary,†said Dutton. “But the lion is a symbol of strength and protection.â€

The gargoyles, created by Heavy Industries in Alberta, are made out of metal with an outer coating of polyurea that’s painted to look like bronze or stone. They’re extremely durable, built to last several hundred years, says the manufacturer.

Oh, if this was at Yonge and Bloor, I'd be mighty pissed. Interchange42 is right, it is getting a free ride because it's at Square One.
Damn, I wish I had been more witty and left him a a comment that made sense to quote. I like them but they look like crap! No contradiction there.

FYI I don't like them but they work find on a suburban condo tower in a setting like that.
Oh, Scarberian gets no love in the Mississauga News. I think they didn't want to give credit to someone who calls themself "Scarberian".
