Tuscani01 and I went to the open house tonight, and I think I speak for both of us when I say this:
The City of Mississauga has managed to take an idea which had some good points, crippled it, and finally, just for good measure, ensured it will only serve one type of customer making one type of trip.
It doesn't look like they will be using special buses, because they want neighbourhood buses to use the transitway to get to Square One. As a result, it seems that they don't see the point of using premium vehicles.
It doesn't look like they are even talking to the TTC, because when Tuscani asked about integration to the Eglinton-Crosstown line, he kept talking about Presto. I pressed the gentleman, and couldn't get a straight answer from him. All I wanted to know was if it would be a cross-platform transfer.
These are just two examples, but I think it shows that the "Mississauga in a bubble" sentiment held by Hazel has filtered down to city employees.
Many people would argue that Transit City is not an effective transit plan. What you must remember is that Transit City is not only designed to move people. It is also designed to encourage the type of development that the official plan calls for (which is mid-rise, evenly spaced across the street - NOT extreme high density nodes with nothing in between). If you evaluate transit city by its intentions, then you begin to see why it was proposed the way it was proposed.
Why did I bring it up? Because, I want to evaluate the Transitway by its intentions. It is intended to move people from the west end and Square One to the airport corporate centre and to the TTC with 35 minutes end-to-end run time. It will be great for getting people to the subway, but unless the ambiguity around the Renforth Gateway isn't solved, it will be an epic fail in getting people to all the TTC services.
But, all is not lost. They haven't entered into the detailed design phase, so there's still time to correct the flaws. They are doing a great job, but I fear that the toolbox they are using doesn't have all the tools they'll need.