Toronto London On The Esplanade Condos | 102.1m | 33s | Cityzen | Burka

March 8



thanks gregv! you always have some great pictures for the condo! i'm excited about the moving in!

btw, does anyone here know if the occupancy for lower floors has started already? or everyone will have his/her unit's PDI on March 16th?
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Any questions to the LOTS team?

I'll be meeting with them wed. if anyone has any questions I'll try to bring them up in the mtg - thanks.
No stores have been signed as of yet.

No Greenspace planned at this time for roof. Can be revisited by board I am sure.

Move in date for 10th floor is the 4rth I believe. Our inspections is on the 23rd of this month and move in day is the 5th of April.

One annoying thing that was pointed out at a recent meeting is that you have to drive down 3 levels of public parking before you can even start getting to your spot. It will suck quite a bit to be on the 7th level of parking.
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One annoying thing that was pointed out at a recent meeting is that you have to drive down 3 levels of public parking before you can even start getting to your spot. It will suck quite a bit to be on the 7th level of parking.

We have this in my building as well. Its not so bad as ours is only 4 floors down. The only real concern is safety. There's a garage door that you have to go through to get into the private parking area. Once in a while someone sneaks in when a car is going through. Security keeps a strong eye out for this.
I guess the first 2 floors being public parking levels was required through the development approval process? possibly to compensate for the loss of parking spaces through the redevelopment of surface parking lots ... afterall non-downtown people visiting, shopping, dining in the area will still have to park ~ :)
It's the first 3 actually. Originally the public parking was 3 levels above ground and they just shifted it down. The building most likely looks much nicer this way but the offset for some is the annoying drive down 7 levels! I hope they designed it so people don't have to drive all the way around each level to go down or up one. I don't drive but I still feel for the people who do.
I'd be surprised if they had two different ramps to get to the parking. In my building you have to go through the public parking first before you get to the private.

I have to ask a couple of questions here. Look at the proximity of these two buildings, there's probably only 10m between them. How on earth do they sell the units looking directly into the other building. Is there a substantial price discount? Isn't one of the main reasons for living in a high rise - the view?
I've raised this before and apparently it doesn't bother a lot of people. I'm not sure there'd be much of a price discount.

Crystal Blu, The Uptown and Glas (just to name a few) all have sections that look directly into their neighbours windows.
