When is the occupancy date for this tower?
Occupancy should be in the second half of 2013
The main structure and dismantling of the crane will be completed by the end of this year, provided there are no unforseen labour, delivery or supply disruptions. Then there are all the electrical, plumbing, fixtures, carpentry, painting, appliances and finishes, interior as well as exterior, before they can allow occupancy.
It will all be well worth the wait. Unfortunately the initial years of delay was due to the City cancelling the funding for the Arts Lab, and then allowing the developers time to find private investors, which did not happen. That is when they had to redesign the lower section of the building. I appreciate so very much that they kept the majority of the building, including the front, south-west corner, as originally planned.
We have all seen renderings of other condominiums in the city, not mentioning any names, that have turned out totally different than the artist's rendering. I believe this is the beginning of a new era of condominiums buildings in Toronto. I believe Daniel Libeskind and the developers of L-Tower have raised the mark, raised the standards, raised the expectancy of having buildings, even condominiums, built according to it's promise. As one would or should expect the building to look at least close to the architect's rendering. Did L-Tower inspire new condo developments to not only design more artistic buildings, but to start building them according to plan? or is it just coincidence?
As much as we may be disappointed that it has taken so long to build, quality workmanship takes time. When buildings go up too fast, they are bound to have problems. There are examples of interior and exterior deficiencies all over the city. L-Tower, on the other hand, removed the glass windows more than once at the very initial stages. Why? To get it right. If I am not mistaken, the L-Tower construction update website is the first in condominium history, at least in Toronto, to provide information on the type of glass being installed and the reasons why.
Thank-you Razz for that amazing shot taken: At dusk July 9, 2012
What a great vantage point.