Developer: Mattamy Homes, Biddington Group
Address: 1 Belsize Drive, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 9 storeys
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Toronto J. Davis House | ?m | 9s | Mattamy Homes | Graziani + Corazza

Terrible. I do hope that Mattamy learns quickly as this is an awfully poor first foray into a new market segment / asset class.

Not holding my breath though...
I don't see what's so terrible here.
Its those white lines you see mostly going vertically. Those are what most of us dont like seeing as they tend to look cheap or like a material that doesent compliment the achutecture all to well. they usually are glass panels with some sorta bland color layed behind it... at least thats how it looks to me. example...the bercsy
Interesting that those renderings depict a building that wont actually exist. Compare the model shots from the previous story with those above and you'll see they've creatively subtracted much grey spandrel from the new renders, especially at the rear.
