Developer: Lamb Development Corp, Fortress Real Developments
Architect: Core Architects
Address: 610 Richmond St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 164 ft / 49.98 mStoreys: 14 storeys
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Toronto Harlowe Condos | 49.98m | 14s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects

Walked by the other day and the homes are in even worse shape and very derelict. But two immediately to the east of the ones being torn down have been repainted and look quite nice. One is white and called The White House with an emblem of the U.S. White House. It made me smile :) Looked like a studio or hair salon.
Demolition fences went up yesterday. Saw a guy putting up the signs for the companies involved when I biked by around 9pm.
Wow. I've been taking the streetcar since the snow storm, next time I bike by this it's going to be a bit of a shock! Literally there one week and gone the next..
Good to see the abandoned structures go. Vandalism was on the increase and a few people around here were concerned about arson.
Cleaned up a bit, this afternoon:




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