Developer: Lamb Development Corp, Fortress Real Developments
Architect: Core Architects
Address: 610 Richmond St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 164 ft / 49.98 mStoreys: 14 storeys
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Toronto Harlowe Condos | 49.98m | 14s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects

It does seem too bulky and tall. The mentioned QP building has a setback after the 3rd commercial level, and only has 4 residential levels on top of that.

This looks to have 14 floors, with a setback around the 10th. I suppose there is a similarly bulky office building across the street, so that might be a precedent. I wonder what the Queen West Heritage District guidelines dictate here.

Hoping for good urban design (quality materials, good ground level, trees, planters, etc).
I really like the old warehouse look to it.
No balconies to mess up the front façade (don't know if this will hurt sales of these units), the sharp combination of red brick and black windows just like on The Berczy, the detail of the hanging canopy and balconies, and the divided light windows on the front which are rarely done on condos.
This should be a great development, but I agree that the height is too tall for this street.
I really like the old warehouse look to it.
No balconies to mess up the front façade (don't know if this will hurt sales of these units), the sharp combination of red brick and black windows just like on The Berczy, the detail of the hanging canopy and balconies, and the divided light windows on the front which are rarely done on condos.
This should be a great development, but I agree that the height is too tall for this street.

Based on what? It will pretty much match the office block across the street.
Pics taken Oct 10, 2013


but I agree that the height is too tall for this street.

Based on other nearby buildings, it's not wildly out of context. Plus, it looks like the upper floors have a considerable set back.

Has the actual height of the proposal been noted?
I'm wondering if the developers are trying to buy up other properties to the east, similarly to what happened with expanding Brant Park?

I go to the new Goodlife (that just opened across the street) and have been visualizing a larger, expanded version of The Harlowe. I do love the little cottages here, but I also love the red brick with black window mullions warehouse-look that they are proposing, too.

For someone who wants to be close to everything (my main priorities are being able to walk to a Loblaws, a Shoppers Drug Mart, a Goodlife, and a movie theatre...on top of lots of great shops and restaurants), then this is an awesome location. Plus, it's off the main drags, so it's a little quieter and livable than say to be right on King or Queen.

This is on my radar as a top project, indeed.
BJL Development probably approached the other houses to the east, as it would have made for more lucrative development, not only that, would make for a nicer street wall on the north side of Adelaide on that block. I'm guessing those homeowners either didn't want to sell or was holding out for more money.
The current site doesn't look that big.

Tribute recently built a spec home at the furthest lot to the east, abutting the Q&P Loblaws building.
I had high hopes for a nicely designed modern infill house when that previous house was torn down, unfortunately it ended up looking like an ungainly suburban beige brick and vinyl siding-clad townhouse.
It's still for sale.
