Developer: Lamb Development Corp, Fortress Real Developments
Architect: Core Architects
Address: 610 Richmond St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 164 ft / 49.98 mStoreys: 14 storeys
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Toronto Harlowe Condos | 49.98m | 14s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects


And very accurate marketing at that!

Condos are by their very nature the riskiest form of real estate (even time shares are better investments!).

And being an artist normally means being poor but "living the dream".

So you can clearly see that where they are going with this...
To replicate the look and feel, I noticed they added red brick to the showroom in the last photo.
And very accurate marketing at that!

Condos are by their very nature the riskiest form of real estate (even time shares are better investments!).

And being an artist normally means being poor but "living the dream".

So you can clearly see that where they are going with this...

The wording "artistic loft" doesn't really mean anything. It is an allusion. Besides, I highly doubt that the majority of residents will be poor artists living the dream. A loft, in and of itself, isn't "artistic."

In the end, the words are used for marketing. Nothing wrong with marketing - unless you believe it to be more than what it is. That said, some buyers will achieve an "artistic loft" through their own effort; others will use the place to just store their stuff.
It's a play on "Artists lofts."
Obviously most artists could not afford these lofts.
They are banking on the mystique of an artist loft even though these are still soft lofts, but more loft-like than most soft loft condos out there.

I love the extensive use of brick inside and out and some floors have the lofty 10' ceilings. The interiors are warm and inviting and doesn't suffer from looking overtly trendy like other condos. This building should age really well.
No surprise! Access in this laneway is horrendous at the best of times, let alone also providing access to the condo's parking garage. It's almost as if zero thought was put into this but rather "put it in the back".

Plus, traffic on Richmond here is basically a parking lot in the evening. Who wants to overlook that and hear all the honking horns of frustrated drivers merging?

I'm surprised it's selling at this price point. Do people actually believe that condo growth like this is sustainable? Oh wait, Fortress will come on here and say, "of course it is silly investors, trust us." Ya, right.
Actually a lot of thought was put into how the laneway in the back would function as an entry to the parking garage and with respect to access for garbage pick up. Also, whether owners want to hear horns is their business and has nothing to do with planning approval.

There's a building of similar height to this proposal across the street and this building tapers down from other taller projects south of Richmond. My bet is that this goes to the OMB and Lamb wins.
Approved by OMB

Are you sure of that? While the hearing was this last week, it's still listed on the OMB's website as open. The OMB would not typically release a decision within a couple of days, unless the city and the developer had come to an agreement already and the hearing became just a ratification possibly?

…or in other words, approved by the OMB pending "t"s being crossed and and "i"s dotted, and the developers paying their S. 37 contributions.

