Developer: Lamb Development Corp, Fortress Real Developments
Architect: Core Architects
Address: 610 Richmond St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 164 ft / 49.98 mStoreys: 14 storeys
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Toronto Harlowe Condos | 49.98m | 14s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects

I'd be very wary of purchasing a Lamb building. hopefully this one doesn't get built.
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I'm assuming you meant "wary" - but what is your concern with Lamb?

Yes, "wary". As a purchaser in one of his projects I have been extremely disappointed with this developer. Quality of the workmanship has been poor at best. I won't go into the major issues, but would never buy from this "builder" again. Ever.
The warehouse inspired look is one of my favourite styles. I'd also like to see contemporary fire escape add-ons. Although more of a visual feature than actually useable, I've seen several condos in Portland that have this feature. Great added element.
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