Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

I agree with Lenser. New members posting baseless information is frustrating, and does nothing for the thread but send it off on imaginary tangents. If you're involved professionally in the market as many on here actually are, it comes off as obnoxious. No offense to the new members here.

The fact remains, and I speak now as an designated appraiser of development lands, this land is some of the most valuable in the city. The land use designations allow for substantial development (as of right) with more to come via a ZBLA. Any bad news would eventally lead to good news.
We're not shutting the tread down. But we do need members to stop posting endless unnecessary speculation. Great Gulf has a bunch of projects on the go and lots of resources to get things done. I'm sure they have good reasons for not publicly announcing this just yet.
Fair enough I will keep my fingers crossed. I’m also exhausted by this swarming of scolds responding at length about how they cannot be disturbed and that speculation is pointless. Sadly no-one denied the Gehry design isn’t at risk, no-one expressing intuition. Reading between the lines of Urban-affair is not reassuring. I will post so further on the subject:)
As a long time member, it's clear to me that there are some projects that simply have a much longer development cycle than others. It's no surprise this is taking a long time, given the scope of the overall project.

If I recall, Festival Tower and the Lightbox were originally proposed in 2003, and it wasn't completed until 2011. That's 8 years. I realize this thing hasn't even started sales & construction, but I'm still not too worried about it. We're kind of spoiled by the pace of progress with most projects these days.

Looking forward to an update from the developer.
New members should spend some time lurking before commenting unless they know something constructive that adds to the conversation. Joining and adding baseless speculation will irritate those of us that have been here a long time and have been following the threads closely. It is a waste of time for those of us who have seen it posted here countless times. Adds nothing of value to the thread.

As a long time member, it's clear to me that there are some projects that simply have a much longer development cycle than others. It's no surprise this is taking a long time, given the scope of the overall project.

If I recall, Festival Tower and the Lightbox were originally proposed in 2003, and it wasn't completed until 2011. That's 8 years. I realize this thing hasn't even started sales & construction, but I'm still not too worried about it. We're kind of spoiled by the pace of progress with most projects these days.

Looking forward to an update from the developer.

New members should spend some time lurking before commenting unless they know something constructive that adds to the conversation. Joining and adding baseless speculation will irritate those of us that have been here a long time and have been following the threads closely. It is a waste of time for those of us who have seen it posted here countless times. Adds nothing of value to the thread.

Perhaps there needs to be a clear and obvious "Welcome to UT" messaging with some forum rules. We ask for certain things but I'd hesitate to say the current website makes it clear and obvious what those things are.
We have forum rules @Contra

I don't get a vote but I'd suggest giving a gentle corrective, as you have done. Contra (clearly a former Hogtown resident) usually adds to discussions. Maybe possible infractions or bad behaviour should be quiet - UT and forum member. Not in a thread.
We have forum rules @Contra

Aware of that, but you could make them a) easier to find for new users or b) providing them as an email or modal when someone signs up. If there are rules to enforce, users shouldn't have to go looking for said rules. Clearly if there is an issue of new users breaking forum rules (and subsequently alienated by other forum members) then they aren't getting the right information early enough into their UT experience.

A good example is the persistent "sub rules" in the right panel for Sub-Reddits.
Last post about this in this thread. Thread for rules literally first sticky thread above active threads @Contra. We'll look at whether we can make it more obvious.

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