44 North
Senior Member
Serious how much warmth would we get from heated concrete floors? The only thing it prevents is ice and snow buildups from puddles.
That's the only reason I'd support it (I'm not generally interested in providing warmth to passengers considering it's a high-frequency rt line with an island stop). Would be interested to know how much more it costs to lay this piping in the concrete and how energy intensive it is vs bare concrete. I'd assume it to be very little...just a brine pumped around, perhaps using low wattage PV+storage for power. If the end result is no rocksalt, I'm all ears. Don't care for salt. Ruins shoes, dog paws, looks ugly, bad for environment, those who lay it down dump it unevenly, etc. But I still think the canopy and wall should extend the full 60m, not just for warmth but shade also.