I think the problem people have with your attitude is that you couldn't care less about how a building is designed as long as it is extremely tall, which is a really shallow outlook. Height is only a bonus (sometimes) when the architecture it is attached to is beautiful. For instance, I am saddened by the diminished height at The One (but only because it is a gorgeous proposal and the lowered height will somewhat lessen its striking presence). This design (which is hopefully preliminary) isn't very exciting, in my opinion. I only find the scale impressive. I don't think very many people here would be opposed to such height at this location, but a more compelling design is warranted, in my view.
What is wrong with low-rise buildings? Have you been to the Lower East Side of Manhattan or anywhere in Europe before? What good is height if a building looks bland (generally speaking)? Would Velocity at the Square suddenly become a good or great building if it was doubled in size? What do you even look for in a building besides height? Do you care at all about materials, execution, rhythm and balance, street presence, etc.? Height for the sake of height is silly. That's the way I thought when was a child, fascinated by skyscrapers.