Toronto Charlie Condos | 122.83m | 36s | Great Gulf | Diamond Schmitt

TheCharioteer rather eloquently summed up the urbanistic merits of maintaining a strong street wall along the north side of King St and avoiding the absurdity of a block consisting of only two buildings that is chopped up by a mid-block lane or alley or reveal.

In the end, I believe the urban merits of the continuous frontage trump the rather small benefits to the few owners of the units in question who would gain some small views to the SE from floors 2 to about 7.

It's absurd I tells ya, absurd!
Moderators: Shouldn't all this discussion about price lists and self-advertising by virtual movie-guys be in the real estate section?
Oct 11


workers onsite at Charlie....pic by Jasonzed at SSC...

workers onsite at Charlie....pic by Jasonzed at SSC...


I would like to be the first to invite David Cronenberg to consider a remake of "Rear Window" once the Charlie/Glas/Hudson courtyard is complete. I don't think that binoculars will be necessary.
Excavators are digging away...

They ran into bedrock when they were excavating for the Hudson and dynamite had to be used. I wonder if they'll encounter the same thing here? Also, would dynamite affect the foundations of the neighbouring buildings? I guess the blasts are extremely focused.
The dynamite is placed into holes drilled into the rock. It fractures the rock right around the blast site, making it easier to remove, but there's no shrapnel and the explosions aren't big enough to make the neighbouring buildings sway. I'm sure you'd be able to feel them, though.
how many levels under will they be digging? Now that they've finally broken ground, when will the building be ready? I heard that it generally takes 3 years from the time they start digging but the sales people at Charlie told me that the anticipated move in date has not changed.
Move-in dates are often pushed back one or more times while construction is underway or even close to complete. Just wait, they'll send you a notice within the next couple of years. Don't listen to what the sales people tell you. They are not good at predicting construction delays. I wouldn't advise making any serious interim housing committments based on what they tell you, either.
how many levels under will they be digging? Now that they've finally broken ground, when will the building be ready? I heard that it generally takes 3 years from the time they start digging but the sales people at Charlie told me that the anticipated move in date has not changed.

sounds about right ...
i usually estimate 1 month per floor of building, so 36s = 36 months
